Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Chip on Docs Shoulder

 As a chiropractor I see the world through a prism.  That prism happens to be a crystal shard from the rather large chip on my shoulder. Historically chiropractic has always been a wellness driven profession with prevention of illness the primary rationale for repeated visits and for seeing patients are well in order to keep them that way.  This prevention idea was in direct contrast with the newly emerging pharmaceutical based model of medicine which was forming at roughly the same time as chiropractic.

 You see the pharmaceutical model was meant to treat symptoms of disease and relieve the symptom 'only', thereby perpetuating the market for newer and better drugs that emerged over the years.  It was a business model that required the people buying the drugs to remain in need of their drugs.  If patients didn't get sick they couldn't make any money. So chiropractic from the very beginning was in direct competition with medicine.

 So where is this 'prism' you speak of doc?  The Wellness Prism sees health care as a preventative paradigm in which life style changes are needed to accommodate longer and more enjoyable lives.  This requires of the patient active and conscious participation in their own life choices.  Which is very likely why the vast majority of chiropractic patients are college educated, self motivated persons seeking a better life for themselves on their own terms. In other words highly disciplined people who know what they want and demand the best for themselves.

 The sick care prism is generally one in which the patient is expected to show up only when symptoms present so that they can be prescribed a medication to coat, sooth and relieve their symptoms until they have another flair up. This is so much easier on the patient emotionally because they don't have to really think or take responsibility for their own health care.  They just wait until its bad enough then go to their doctor to get a prescription.  Then if they don't have a bad reaction to the medication they will 'feel' better for the moment and eventually get another prescription when they feel bad again.  Then there are the side effects or reactions to the medication that may require that you see another doctor to address with perhaps another medication and another and another until you die.  In essence this is the lazy mans way of dealing with health care.

 Are you a take charge wellness patient or are you a let someone else decide my fate patient?

 It is your choice.


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