Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A collective awakening commeth.

As I sit here at my desk, there is a burning acid fear of uncertainty rumbling inside my guts. My last blog was only a few days back and was about a local health department encountering the prospect that Chiropractors were being viewed as a patients primary care provider,  40% of the population of the county in fact.  This sent shock waves through the system, so much so that the medical providers want to meet with chiropractors and discuss 'what' this is all about.  I am rather dubious about their intentions and I, like many chiropractors have good reason to be.

 For the past 120 years, chiropractic has been under the collective gun of medicine.  At every turn the medical profession did it's level best to erase chiropractors from the health care system, time and time again we were attacked, arrested, maligned, burned out and boycotted until finally someone within the AMA found their conduct morally repugnant and sent records to a chiropractic attorney indicating that the AMA was engaged in an illegal boycott against the Chiropractic profession.  Long story short they got sued, we won...and nothing changed. 

In spite of  paying damages and having a permanent injunction against them the AMA kept on doing what they had been before...it merely changed hands.  There are legions of people who 'hate' the chiropractor.  When you look at them, see them and talk to them these skeptics of Chiropractic are not, brilliant, impressive or even mildly intellectual.  Yet, it is from these decidedly unimpressive, intellectually dull people, that perpetuate the negative image this grand profession suffers from.  That is what frightens me...to be held hostage by a horde of narrow minded thugs who, if PT Barnum were alive today would have loved to put them in his freak show. 

What confuses me, is how do they get away with it?  Today, we have what is in effect a war of information, or rather propaganda that is being shoved down the throats of the American public. Any study that surfaces and raises an alarm about the safety of vaccines for instance is met with a violent back lash. Forgive me, but this, in a way, reminds me of the arrival of Jesus and his teachings.The motivations are eerily similar to that of King Herod, who upon hearing that the King of the Jews had been born, killed all the infant males in Bethlehem to prevent the King of Kings from threatening his rule.  Now, I am not saying that anyone who questions a vaccine is the Messiah, no.  What I am saying is that the motivation is the same, the threat of losing power and control which is to say, money and influence. 

 It is sad that the arrival of enlightenment is met with hate, prejudice and violence.  It seems the more enlightened we become the more violent those in power become and that is what makes me nervous about the coming 'awakening'.  As we march forward, we have no choice but to 'evolve', which is to say grow intellectually, learn from our mistakes and move forward.On the other hand there are those who have been working to stem that forward movement and it is very disconcerting if not down right frightening...to me anyway. 

 In 2004 the CDC conducted a study into autism to see if Dr. Andrew Wakefield was indeed correct.  They discovered that he was correct.  Only they did not applaud his study or make their findings public.  Instead they destroyed all of their records, save for one man who kept them all in his office, hidden from the rest of the CDC executives, because he was concerned about the legality of their actions.  That and he was I'm sure seeking to cover his assets.  The CDC then proceeded to destroy Dr. Andrew Wakefield's reputation, career and future prospects in research.  He lost his license to practice in Britain and has been pursued by every thug the pharmaceutical industry could bring to bear.

It is the beginning of the end of Big Pharm and somewhere in the deepest recesses of their soul, they know it.  That knowledge, that fear makes them dangerous and it makes me wonder how many people will pay the ultimate price before they finally are put in their place? 

Enlightenment should be embraced not quashed. 

Friday, October 7, 2016

Health Department is astonished!!!

Just yesterday my father sent me a text announcing that in St. Clair county health department discovered that 40% of the residences of St. Clair County view their Chiropractor as their primary physician.   Apparently this revelation sent shock waves through the medical community and have many medical doctors shaking their heads in bemused dismay and no doubt for some, anger.

Yes, I said anger.  Why would some feel anger at this?  I believe I have the answer, albeit a biased answer, it is non-the-less accurate...in my opinion. You see for many years now, over a century in fact, medicine has been controlled by the pharmaceutical industry and remains so today.  The catalyst for this was the passing of the Harrison Act in 1910.  This act made Cocaine, Opium and Morphine prescription only drugs, whereas before 1910 you could buy them over the counter at any general store.

 Before 1910 the pharmaceutical industry was making money hand over fist with an unregulated market.  Billion dollar corporations are considered heavy hitters today, but in 1900 most pharmaceutical companies were billion dollar companies, when wages were less than ten dollars a week.  The trouble for them was that there weren't enough doctors in practice to maintain the profit margins they were enjoying before the 'regulation' of their free market. This created a problem. So, while they scrambled to fix their 'marketing' issues, many printing presses were bought up, and medical diplomas issued to those who would fork over the cash to buy their own medical degree sans the tedium of actually attending classes.

This created a whole new class of 'physician' who had only to produce diploma from a defunct medical school, whose records had conveniently burned when a fire destroyed the administration buildings so that there was no way to actually verify the educational credentials of the newly minted MD from a defunct medical school.  Convenient yes?

 So back to the 'anger' I mentioned earlier.  It was from this batch of 'paper mill' medical doctors that modern medicine got its start. Morris Fishbein, (I have deliberately 'not' used the label Doctor, because he never finished his studies at Rush Medical school to receive a diploma) was the primary catalyst for the mentality of toxic arrogance that permeated the whole of the AMA.  It was his deliberate and aggressive attacks on natural health care practitioners that fomented the attitudes that even to this day simmer beneath the surface for some medical practitioners, especially with regard to chiropractic.  

 For decades and decades the medical practitioner was told that chiropractors were dangerous and were little more than 'rabid dogs', cute but dangerous.  If you think I'm being cute, I'm not, those were the terms used to describe chiropractors to new medical students.  It was that terminology that was drilled into their heads while they were in turn being told that they were the unquestioned authority of all things health and to have anyone question their knowledge...was heresy.  In effect they were being indoctrinated by a new religion and they were the high priests of that 'religion'.   Let's be honest here, who does not want to be told that they are the equivalent of earth bound gods?

 It was the paper mill doctors, like Morris Fishbein who fomented this 'deity' idea and created legions of 'doctors' who literally  hated anyone who did not do, say, think, eat and drink health care in exactly the same manner as they were taught to administer it...by the pharmaceutical industry who was directing Morris Fishbein to do exactly what he did to elevate their market share so that nobody dared question the use of medications for every-bloody-thing one could imagine.

This is a turning point for the entire health care industry, most especially for medicine.  How do they move away from the 'deity' mindset to a more humble, patient oriented practitioner?  To do so will create within medicine a seismic shift that will dislodge the foundation upon which they have practiced for well over a century now.  Anger?  Fear?  Shame?  These are likely each a component of their current reality.  All the effort to dislodge and discredit chiropractors only to have a great many patients view them as their primary care physician, must really cause them a great deal of anxiety.

Humility can be healthy so long as you accept responsibility for your past actions and learn from mistakes made...one can only hope that this revelation on the part of the St. Clair health department is a growth versus a catalyst for more profound hate and anger.

Let us hope.