Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Pharmaceutical inhibition of evolution

I had a disturbing thought today as I drove in to work.  It has been a thought I've had many times and each time I have found myself uncomfortable with the idea.  Being that we each are a product of nature, innate having evolved from a common ancestor...a primate of some sort...we are still in the process of evolving.  That is unless the prolific use of psychotropic medications have somehow stagnated our evolutionary processes.

Evolution, the grossly over-simplified version, is that we learn a new thing, test its validity and adopt this new behavior, habit, idea as part of a new norm.  As we grow collectively in a neurological sense our DNA changes to incorporate this new 'idea' so that it becomes permanently wired into our genetics so that our off spring adopt this new way of being, thinking doing. An example being the act of standing up to reach the better tasting fruit.  This 'idea' sparked in one individual who then acted on this impulse.  They learned the fruit on the tree tasted better, but the also learned the green fruit was bitter and made their tummy hurt.  So the act of standing up to reach the better fruit caused them to learn which color of fruit to avoid.

Then came the day that the 'one' individual was reaching the fruit in the tree saw an even bigger fruit hanging from a branch a few feet up.  They climbed into the tree ate the fruit and while doing so saw the Saber Toothed Cat stalking his mate. This caused the individual to call out warning his mate and those around them of the cat in the tall grass he could now see over.  In a moment of need they all climbed the tree to get away from the danger and...low and behold they each learned a new survival technique and in the process learned that the fruit in the tree tasted better and gave them more energy while also learning to avoid the green fruit....the evolutionary process in the making.

We see this today in the Snow Monkey populations in Northern Japan.  One monkey, out of thousands, begins a new behavior.  It happens to be washing his food of the dirt then eating it. This new behavior is 'weird' and he is left alone during meal times to clean and then eat his food. Weeks later another monkey joins the first and begins to wash their food..weeks later another joins in and another.  Soon 100 monkeys are washing their fruit and suddenly throughout the population of this monkey colony they all are adopting this new behavior 'overnight'.  Not only this but other isolated monkey colonies miles away where no communication is possible...are each and every one washing their food...evolution in action.  It is now normal behavior for all of these monkeys to wash their food before eating it...all from one individual breaking off and trying something new.

My point being is to question the adverse effect we are experiencing with the medicating of our population.  It can't be good.  I mean the psychotropic medications each have 'suicidal' tendencies as a side effect. A drug that can cause the individual to want to self literally remove themselves from the evolutionary cycle because the medication had that effect on their brain function.  That ladies and gentlemen is the antithesis of evolutionary advancement.  What genius has been lost because they were medicated to the point of wanting to commit suicide?

To what degree have we lost the ability to learn a new behavior?  Could it be that a new behavior was deemed by someone to be a 'disease' which had to be medicated away?  Could it be the creative meanderings of a child who does not want to color inside the lines of the coloring book is stifled because 'conformity' is expected?  Music is one form of social evolution. If we didn't make new music from time to time we'd, I think, lose our minds of boredom.

In recent years the idea that vaccines might be causing problems in our children has been met with a violent back lash by a media that is sadly owned, operated and regulated internally by the very same people producing vaccines.  The last thing these people want is for their product to be questioned and the best way to prevent that from happening is to ensure that the truth is never heard...and to have their product forced on the population so that they have no choice but to do what they want...regardless of the dangers presented.

Of course there are the commercials that we get to see every day who tell us how their drug will make our lives better, but with side effects that might cause us to become suicidal or develop cancer, make our hair fall out, deprive us of sexual drive, go blind or even stain our new clothes from anal seepage, but my favorite side effect of all of them is.....instant death.  I don't know about you...but if 'any' medication had that as a potential side effect...I'd say it shouldn't be allowed on the market much less advertised on television.  

In many of these cases the condition the medication is meant to 'treat' is often far less of a problem when you consider that the side effects are so much worse.

So the question I want you to consider is this:  Have we been stagnated in the evolutionary sense by medication?  Have we been stagnated socially by gross commercialism of medication that really should not be advertised to the public? Have we been medicated to the point of having lost our ability to 'think' clearly enough for ourselves to decide what is best for our families and have to be told what is best by a commercial...for a drug that might just cause you to suffer....instant death or anal seepage?   Ew!!!

 You decide...

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Is the United States no more?

I can honestly say that as a vet of our armed services I have grown rather disenchanted with our legislative branch, Judicial branch and executive branch.  It seems that morality as defined by most people on this planet no longer exists in our country.  I am referring to the CDC and the willful ditching of information that strongly indicated that Vaccines do indeed cause autism....they knew it and the hid the evidence and falsified a new research study to bolster their 'client' Merck...who rewarded the heads of the CDC at the time with lucrative position within the Firm.

Good men, women and children have suffered outrageously for opposing the CDC.  Dr. Wakefield had his career taken from him because he dared to tell the truth. How despicable must you be to ruin a man whose only purpose was to tell the world of a potential danger with a mercury laden vaccine...that he discovered was causing autism?  The CDC did a study to see if there was any such link...while they were actively destroying this mans career.  When the found that what he said was true..they continued to ruin destroy him...and lied to YOU the consumer of Merck vaccine that their chief executives could line their pockets at the expense of our childrens health, lives and future.

Despicable.  That is a word for it...maybe 'Vile', or even Loathsome.  Our nation was meant for all of us to live freely, worship our chosen religion freely to live as we choose to live without government involvement in our lives.  Here we have the CDC lying...and pushing this nation into forced vaccines...denying anyone who chooses not to vaccinate the right to participate in schools, programs, if you don't vaccinate.

The very premise of UnAmerican.  It smacks of totalitarianism in which the people have no choice about anything and that is where our it as I going.  If there was a genuine epidemic...which there has not been since 1918...Then I might understand the hysterics.  Trouble is for me that I happen to know that the 1918 Spanish Influenza epidemic....was spread by and experimental vaccine...and the people who could not get to the vaccine distribution centers...did not get the flu...and lived..those who got the flu shot...contracted the flu...many of whom died. 

The promise of the United States of America is under attack!!  The Pharmaceutical industry is the culprit...with the CDC and United States Congress willing accomplices. 

 The United States of America is losing itself under the influence of Big Pharma...The commies weren't nearly as scary...not even under Stalin.  

Nuff Said.

Monday, August 3, 2015

CDC Destroyed documents linking MMR to Autism.

The above link is to a video of a United States Congressman, a pro-vaccine Congressman who states his dismay and concern about the CDC and its conduct regarding the Autism connection, the CDC discovered and confirmed a significant link between the MMR Vaccine and Autism and then attempted to cover up in 2004.

 How many lives in the past eleven years have been destroyed?  How many careers were wrecked because they stood against the CDC?  How many careers were made by backing the CDC?  When will the United States finally wake up and smell the coffee?  When will 'you' the reader of this blog finally say enough and make your dismay, disgust...heartbreak known?

The words I often write here in this blog are my own expressions of dismay, disgust and anger at the sheer mindlessness displayed by the powers that be, Congress in particular.  How many of our supposed leaders are bought off?  How much are they not telling us?  The United States is supposed to be the home of the brave and land of the free.  After watching this video...and hearing a United States Congressman point out a glaring and outrageous deception by the CDC regarding the saftety of a Vaccine...which they are supposed to ensure, along side the FDA, are safe for public use....I don't know if I can trust our governmental agencies any longer. 

 \How can I trust them if THIS has become normal, everyday behavior from our government?   The CDC as I have pointed out is supposed to work in the interest of the public and is not.  It works 'for' and with the pharmaceutical industry creating marketing opportunities for Big Pharma as well as in the personal interest of the head of the CDC, at least two of whom now hold very lucrative positions inside the pharmaceutical industry. An example of what I mean is Dr. Gerberding (sp?) currently president of Mercks vaccine program...used to be head of the CDC.

Under her tenure as CDC head vaccine usage jumped significantly as did the profit margins for Merck.  Like I said there are at least two former heads of the CDC now working for Merck...getting 'fat' checks...for doing a good job for Merck while working for the government.  This is not merely a case of conflict of interest it is prostitution...only there is no 'happy ending' for the people on the receiving end of the deception, only those who are getting paid to use their positions of authority to create business for Merck.  If that isn't a form of prostitution it is certainly close. 

After hearing what this congressman had to say I can say that I am excited that 'finally' someone has gotten the word out to those who need to hear it.  I am also angry, no, livid at the fact that so many people have suffered needlessly and died as a result of this sort of behavior from the CDC.  They told the world vaccines are safe...they clearly are not.  They sold out not only the American Public...but the world at large because they are seen as the leading authority in public health.  They are nothing more than shills...working for a special interest group.  They are nothing more than whores. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Fascism has come to California

SB277 as of today is reality. Forced vaccinations when throughout the world new information has been forthcoming about the dangers of vaccines and the long term damage they can and will do.  With the so called herd immunity a predominating argument. What a crock of shit!!

 If vaccines actually provided an immunity that was permanent vs temporary, that is if the vaccine takes at all, I'd have little problem with them. However, as it stands I do have a major problem with vaccines in the fact that they aren't safe. Try justifying to me injecting known neurotoxin(mercury and thimerisol) in doses far above what is considered safe for 'one' injection, then add multiple doses above the non-toxic limit then add 'that' to the physiology of a young child whose nervous system is still developing and common sense dictates something bad is likely to happen. At least the risk factor is high enough to be concerned. 

 Another fact that causes me concern is many of these vaccines aren't even produced in the USA, but China, India and God only knows where else.  Countries that do not have the same regulations of safety that we do.  Not only this, not to sound excessively paranoid, but one of those nations is a potential military enemy. 

 Of all the states where this legislation was introduced the only three states that passed it were California, West Virginia and Mississippi.  Everywhere else this legislation was soundly defeated on the grounds of it being unconstitutional. So with that said... SCOTUS will overturn the law because the entire basis of the law itself is a violation of the constitution which is the foundation upon which this nation was founded. So this law is already dead in the water as far as I'm concerned.

 So why was it introduced in the first place?  World wide awareness of vaccine damage is growing. The vaccines are so prolific world wide that the damage they cause and have caused is now well documented.  That said the United States Congress set up a Vaccine Court 25 years ago to hear cases against Vaccine damages children, many of whom have severe vaccine damage, irreversible brain damage in the form of severe autism and death. 

 The findings and awards from the vaccine court is sealed and the plaintiffs are given a gag order to prevent them from ever being called to testify or be interviewed or to write a single word about what happened to their children.  But they proved there is 'no link' to vaccines and autism!!!

No...they have not.  What they have done is fabricate false research, bury the truth and destroy the careers of anyone who dares to challenge the might of Big Pharma.  Yeah, it sounds like some paranoid delusional rant of the sky falling or they are frying or brains with microwaves!!  However, facts play a roll in this statement.  The CDC in 2004 actually did discover that the MMR Vaccine was very much a cause of autism particularly in the African American population, specifically boys under 36 months old.  This tidy little fact was not something the CDC wanted published, because their leadership was working hand in hand with Merck and other pharmaceutical vaccine producers to create was is now known as the Vaccine Construction program where 'legislation like this would be introduced and force the children of the nation to get vaccinated on the government ticket.  The end result being that Merck would make hundreds of Billions annually.  Several former heads of the CDC are now sitting in well paying jobs with a reward for their efforts.  I don't know about you...but I think that is what is defined as a conflict of interest...IN SPADES!!

Topping off this statement is the fact that Dr. Thompson of the CDC broke ranks with them this last August 2014 and released that study for the world to see.  However, that defection was not well publicized because the CDC for whatever reason decided to bring in an Ebola infected pt into our country...just as this story happened to be making the news.  Curious coincidence.

As for the Danish Study as conducted by a psychiatrist and not a research scientist Dr. Thornson and who is currently wanted by the FBI for absconding with the CDC money to research this.  The findings of which were falsified as the money meant to create the study was taken by Dr. Thornson for personal use...the findings are automatically dubious...if not automatically nullified as valid. Yet this is the study most often the CDC in its perpetual argument against the Vaccine link to Autism.  

In short the vaccine construction was meant to do what it did in California and panic the population into thinking that unvaccinated children were a danger to their vaccinated children.  Think on that statement for a moment...if a vaccinated kid has been VACCINATED...nobody, theoretically should be able to 'harm' them.  Yet, 'herd' immunity is the argument...which is a crock because the rationale for the mass vaccination is causing exactly what they are afraid of...outbreaks of these diseases...because the virus is exists in nature...and vaccine immunity if it when an adult comes into contact with chicken pox, measles or mumps they are at risk for becoming barren or sterile...depending on gender where as a prepubescent not at risk.

Ladies and gentlemen this law was the result of a vile conspiracy to create a market for mass vaccinations.  If we are all vaccinated...our herd immunity as they so often term it will be at risk in mere decades.

Mass Vaccinations will cause our population untold harm in terms of adolescent deaths, adult sterility and a plethora of long terms disease states...that may prove detrimental to the worlds population while making a pharmaceutical executive billions in bonuses.

This is a dangerously sad day for America and the World 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

California Bill SB435

This bill, if it passes will effectively give big pharmaceuticals a monopoly in California. However, I do not believe it will gain much more traction, in fact, I believe they have just shot their last bolt by this despicable act. The days of Big Pharmas dominion over our legislative bodies is coming to a decisive end. Why?

The language of this bill is frightening. Another bill SB435 has some scary language that exempts the pharmaceutical industry from state and federal antitrust laws.   

"(b) It is the intent of the Legislature to exempt from state antitrust laws and to provide immunity from federal antitrust laws, pursuant to the state action doctrine for, any activities undertaken pursuant to this act that otherwise might be constrained by those laws. It is not the intent of the Legislature to authorize any person or entity to engage in or conspire to engage in any activity that would constitute a per se violation of state or federal antitrust laws, including, but not limited to, an agreement among competing health care providers or health insurance carriers as to the price or specific level of payment for a health care service."

The language states that if this bill is passed the pharmaceutical industry will be exempt from the laws that prohibit the creation of a monopoly.  To bi-pass the stop gap laws that were put in place to prevent monopolies from dominating the market and preventing competition. Our economy depends upon a free market economy to thrive. The only thing a monopoly is good for is for creating an 'oligarchy' where a 'corporate entity' replaces totalitarianism. The end result is we get told 'what, where and how to live, eat, sleep and dress.  Only it wouldn't be a Communist dictator but a corporate board room giving the orders.  

"The intent of the Legislature to exempt from state antitrust laws and to provide immunity from federal antitrust laws'..." is nothing short of dubious and frightening.  How dare these cowards try to circumvent the law of the land and secure the very sort of unfair advantage that the 'antitrust laws' were meant to prevent and...the very reason they were put in place to begin with!!! What is worse, most of the pharmaceutical companies who want to do this aren't even American Companies.  So we would be allowing foreign interests to govern our state where our heath was concerned.  I don't think so.   It is truly amazing how low a person will stoop to ensure a healthy payout...i.e. bribe.  Our politicians truly do suck.  

Not only is the junior senator being used by these entities he is in over his head.  This is common tactic unfortunately.  The big money, low morals interests corral these newly minted senators and feed their ego's and also make grand promises and fill bank accounts IF these wet behind the ears NUBES do their bidding.  

It is likely that these bills weren't even written by the senator or his staff but provided to him by his new best friends...or a hot little babe who smiles at him just right and perhaps more when nobody is looking. is cynical...but you and I know that it is more true than not...sadly.  

So I am going to share my outrage and frustration with you in the hope that by my sharing we, can and will come together as a nation and place these morally vacant morons in their place once and for all. 

Enough already.


The Bolen Report is the archive for the infamous "Millions of Health Freedom Fighters - Newsletter," Health Care Crisis Management Consultant, and Consumer Activist, Tim Bolen's RUTHLESS, but humorous, analysis of North America's Health Care System.
The Battle of Bull Run... The Second American Civil War Has Begun...
And It Started Over Vaccines...

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

Tuesday, April 21st , 2015

Tens of thousands of parents of vaccine injured children, in California, woke up one morning, not long ago, to find that their Democratic Party controlled legislature had given up any semblance of representing the people that elected them.  They had become only about special interest.  Money talks.
I'm surprised that the Democrats still let citizens approach government buildings in Sacramento, the State capitol, any more. (sarcasm intended).
In a busy life, the kind the year 2015 generates, it isn't hard to lose track of what's happening in your State capitol.  Parents need to get to work.  Get the kids to school. Buy groceries.  Wait in line at the gas station.  Survive.
But now, as, not only parents of vaccine injured children are finding out, parents in general, civil rights advocates, families, churches, protectors of liberty, and anyone not in the Democratic Party grab-everything-in-sight controlled government in California, are finding that their legislators apparently represent ONLY THOSE that write checks to those same Democratic Party legislators.  The Democrats control the State.  There is a reason that California, along with Washington and Oregon, are known as "The Left Coast."
It's the Left Coast - with a hand out waiting for cash...
But, down below in this article, I have something to show you that is changing the course of this campaign.
SB 277, forcing children to be double-loaded with clearly dangerous-in-every-way, dubious vaccines, got California citizens' attention...
And, they went to Sacramento in droves, from all over the State, to nicely explain to their legislators, the ones they had just voted for, the problems associated with SB277.  They had a RALLY on the Capitol steps. 
I think those citizens honestly believed that that tactic, polite confrontation of the issue, would win the day.  They thought they'd be home in time to make dinner for the kids...
They hadn't done their homework.
They came up against Freshman Democratic Senator Richard Pan MD, who, without question, is Big Pharma's, bought and paid for top lobbyist in California - a lobbyist with a vote on the Senate floor, and the ability to directly introduce legislation.
Pan, a man with no particular skills, except for some training to flail around a pediatrician practice stabbing children with pus filled needles, has, in his first month AUTHORED thirty three (33) bills none of which I'm sure he wrote, never even read, and certainly did not understand.  You can view those bills hereGo take a quick glance.  If you want more detail, click on each of the bill numbers.
Of particular interest, besides, of course his stab-everyone-repeatedly-with-Merck-products legislation, is SB 435 called "Medical home: health care delivery model..."  What is really interesting about THAT is the built-in language:
"It is the intent of the Legislature to exempt from state antitrust laws and to provide immunity from federal antitrust laws, pursuant to the state action doctrine for, any activities undertaken pursuant to this act that otherwise might be constrained by those laws."
In other words, it looks to me, Pan is setting up his sponsor with a monopoly, and protecting that sponsor, using State law, from being sued in an anti-trust action filed by the US Justice Department, or by the bill's victims.
Wow!  I wonder how many small companies, now in the business Pan is creating a monopoly for friends, will be forced out of their own business with no legal recourse?
There is a team, as we sit here reading, looking up the connections between Pan's "bills" and his campaign funders - after all, a VIOLATION of the California Fair Political Practices Act is at least a Misdemeanor.  Maybe more...
Hopefully, a LOT more.  We'll see what happens.
Now, for the really good stuff...
Senators Ben Allen and Richard Pan addressing Senate Education Committee on SB277
There is an interesting video I am about to show you.  Originally it was for insiders to watch - strategists working on solving the No on SB277 problem.
Then things changed.  The decision was made to just release it.
The video shows something many of us suspected all along - that Senator Pan has a handler.  That he, in fact, is such a dolt, a copy of a legislator, that he can't operate without minute-to-minute help.  So much so that I looked at the videos, with him in them, to see if i could see an earpiece.  He did not have one.  When Pan was tripped up last Wednesday, by the chairman of Education Committee, he began to stutter and stammer, not answering questions put to him, but mouthing jingoish Paul-Offit-isms.  The chairman let him come back next week, Pan was so distraught. 
Clearly, this boy can't handle stress...
But, more was happening.  There were those there that were watching Pan's actions closely, and photographing him, and his associates - then showing the photos around to the teams for recognition.
That's when this story unfolded.
Watch the video i am sending you to see.  Keep in mind that it was not designed for a general audience.  It was for a nationwide strategy group to view (YES, THERE IS ONE), and it is a little fuzzy in the beginning - but it gets VERY interesting,  very quickly. It is about fifteen minutes long, but it tells a whole, complete, story.  Click here
This information sets us in a brand new direction. 
The Second American Civil War has begun.

Stay tuned. 

Tim Bolen - Consumer Advocate

More info - Google #SB277, #Mine, and #CDCWhistleblower

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"It is the intent of the Legislature to exempt from state antitrust laws and to provide immunity from federal antitrust laws, pursuant to the state action doctrine for, any activities undertaken pursuant to this act that otherwise might be constrained by those laws." - See more at:
- See more at:
"It is the intent of the Legislature to exempt from state antitrust laws and to provide immunity from federal antitrust laws, pursuant to the state action doctrine for, any activities undertaken pursuant to this act that otherwise might be constrained by those laws." - See more at:
"It is the intent of the Legislature to exempt from state antitrust laws and to provide immunity from federal antitrust laws, pursuant to the state action doctrine for, any activities undertaken pursuant to this act that otherwise might be constrained by those laws." - See more at:
"It is the intent of the Legislature to exempt from state antitrust laws and to provide immunity from federal antitrust laws, pursuant to the state action doctrine for, any activities undertaken pursuant to this act that otherwise might be constrained by those laws." - See more at:

Monday, March 2, 2015


 Below is the link to the movie Bought.  It will hopefully open your eyes to the effects of Vaccines on our children and the effects that Genetically modified foods may be having on our populations health. 

Please, if you value the lives of your children and the lives of your future grandchildren watch this movie.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Measles: epidemic or side effect of over vaccination?

It never ceases to amaze me how hysterical the media can be when something happens that is not in the interest of their advertisers, namely the pharmaceutical industry.  The USA is the only nation left on this planet that allows the advertising of prescription medication, the very last one.  The USA makes up merely 5% of the worlds population yet we consume 60% of the worlds production of prescription pharmaceuticals.  Hopefully that seems a bit excessive to you the reader of this blog.

 Hopefully you are also aware of the fact that our nation is the most heavily vaccinated nation 'ever' and that Autism rates in the USA are higher than anywhere else in the world? Yet the studies that have been done to show the connection between Autism and the MMR vaccine have been ignored and those that have not been ignored have been blasted as fraud and heresy, whereas the only true fraud that seems to have been committed was by the industry screaming 'fraud' 'rape', foul and basically gnashing their teeth at anyone who 'dares' question the efficacy of the all Holy Church of Pharmacology.  It would seem that they have assumed the roll of God Almighty himself, or at least are acting as if they have the authority to do, say and be anything they long as they can pay the politicians off.

In all honesty I don't think the Dark Ages were all that jacked up when compared to todays 'Reign of Pharmaceutical Terror'.  Yes, I'm being melodramatic, but then so is the Pharmaceutical industry when they make every attempt at promoting the fear of a 'pandemic', epidemic...Armageddon of epic proportions out of every single case of whatever they want to create for the cameras. 

20 billion dollars are spent annually on advertising pharmaceuticals in the United States.  This number is several years old so I imagine that it is closer to 30 or even 40 billion by now.  That should tell you something about the pharmaceutical industry and the media giants who dance to their tune.

In all honest I get it, I truly do get it.  If someone were to throw a few million at me to say something I don't truly believe, I'd have a hard time saying 'no'.  A simple act of ethical prostitution and I could make my debts disappear.  Therein lies the trap.  It is easy money for some to just dance to the tune that is being paid for by big spenders.

I do not believe it is far off the mark to say it is an addiction. Once someone has tasted the freedom of having a massive bank account that allows them to buy that Mercedes, BMW and the massive house overlooking the ocean it is very likely they are hooked.  This is especially true of someone who has known economic hardship.  Once they have money to spend whereas before they had been struggling...taking that step to ethical prostitution is not at all difficult, but giving it up...forget it.

We are seeing this in action today.  The media is dancing rather spiritedly to the music of their special advertisers who wish to create a panic in the public about a disease that was once a normal childhood disease like chicken pox and mumps.  All of these were normal every day occurrences that at one time was a rite of passage from one part of childhood to the next.  It was once considered a natural occurrence and not at all harmful to the general public.

Now we are seeing what I believe is the side effect of excessive vaccination.  What immunity a vaccine imparts is temporary 'if' the vaccine takes hold at all.  It doesn't always take.  Once the immunity wears off the individual becomes susceptible again. Only now they are post pubescent and fertile which now puts them at risk for becoming barren or sterile if they are afflicted with Chicken Pox or measles as an adult.

Shingles is an adult version of Chicken pox and it really does suck to get it but it is short lived usually less than 30 days and then it goes away on its own and does not normally occur again for a long time if ever.  This used to be limited to the extreme elderly because it was usually those persons who were no longer exposed to younger children and thus were not exposed to adolescent chicken pox to rejuvenate their long held immunity.  Now that nobody has been exposed to chicken pox naturally we are seeing an uptick in shingles in people in their 40s and 50s.  Nobody seems to be looking at this issue from the perspective of an overly vaccinated population.  If we suffer an epidemics it will likely be in the adult populations where the damage is most severe...thanks to temporary immunity of vaccines. 

Side effects are a normal part of medicine.  Only they casually speak of these side effects in commercials as 'normal' or if you experience this...or that...stop taking it and consult your doctor...or you could be having a 'rare' but fatal side effect. 

God in Heaven!!!!  Has anyone honestly listened to these commercials?  Have you heard them say...
"This may the result of a rare but potentially fatal reaction,  if you are experiencing...this, that..or the other...stop taking 'Uncle Eddies butt cream" and seek medical attention as you might be experiencing a 'RARE" fatal reaction.  Sudden death has been reported...blah blah blah. Most of the time when they are telling you their stuff might actually kill you...Its with butterflies..and soft gentle music playing in the background as a smoking hot model is smiling and dancing with their partner. It just plain pisses me off...that these lunatics get away with it.

I am supposed to tell you that chiropractic is 'dangerous', that there are risks...etc..etc.  Only nobody in my family, at least not since 1925...has actually created a problem for a patient to require an emergency room much less a funeral parlor. I think that is why we have such low malpractice premiums...but of course...we are spite of not having a death rate of any sort...period.

We are dangerous because we see 'media-medicine' for what it is...a sales pitch for an industry that if properly investigated by the federal government (which it apparently owns) would likely make Al Capone appear saintly by comparison.

I am asking each of you to forward this comment to everyone you know who might actually suffer from media blitz induced hysteria.  We cannot afford to allow our population to be subjected to this foolishness of forced medical intervention.  It is not in our interest as a nation or as a species.

If we succumb to this hysterical nonsense...America as the home of the free...will no longer be.

Dr. Richard Bend.