Wednesday, June 6, 2012

GMOs and Gluten sensitivity and more.....

Just today I was enlightened with a tidbit of information that I found a bit disturbing.  We've all heard of persons who are gluten intolerant. The numbers of these persons seems to be growing as is the market for gluten free products.  Have you ever eaten a gluten free pizza crust?  Ew thuts suh gruss. That is Californian teen speak for 'Ew that is so gross'.  To say it properly you have to make a face like you've just shoved your nose into somebodies sweaty armpit, cock your head to one side and just say it like its spelled.

ANYWAY... I am a huge fan of crusty, chewy breads and especially hand tossed pizza crust. It is the working of the dough that creates the fibrous elastic bonds 'gluten' that makes these classic bread items so desirable.  Who wants a wimpy pizza crust?  What is so bad about gluten?  Nothing except that it is more difficult to digest than other wheat items because of its structure.  So 'is it the gluten itself or is it the source of wheat' that makes gluten such a problem? I'm betting it's the source. 

 Today I was told of a chef whose mother is gluten sensitive who bought flour from a GMO free zone in Italy. He made her a gluten laden feast with heavy, crusty breads and goodies that make eating breads enjoyable to eat but painful for those allergic to gluten.  You'd think that being gluten intolerant she'd have a serious reaction to all that gluten.  Apparently because the flour used to make these items came from a GMO free zone she did not have any reaction what so ever..none, so enjoyed every bite without consequence.

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) are genetically modified seeds that we have been planting and eating for several decades now.  Many seed companies have patents on seeds and even claim patent rights on the seeds from the produce you may have grown in your own garden.  So if you didn't get their permission to plant a garden with the seeds from the produce you grew with the original seeds you purchased, they could, with a court order, take your garden and sue you for patent infringement.  I have not personally heard of this happening but the idea that it could happen strikes me as insane and wrong.

Not only has corporate profit raided your personal garden, these genetically altered seeds have become  potential health hazards by creating DNA based allergies such as the gluten intolerance mentioned above.  What other health issues have become part of our national landscape? What syndromes can be laid at the feet of these genetically altered food items?  So not only do we have to avoid eating processed foods we have to be careful about which fresh fruits and vegetables we eat and where they come from. In California we have several GMO free zones but they are few and far between, even in California where everything is organic including legally cultivated weed.  However, organic does not mean GMO free.   

Locate a GMO free zone near you if you can and buy your produce there and if you are into growing your own...locate a GMO free seed retailer near you and ask for GMO free seeds.  Wellness is your birthright and should not be infringed upon by corporate greed. 

Dr. B

Addendum: Monsanto the seed manufacturer has been suing farmers for using their seeds without permission. Seeds that were taken from the produce they grew from the original seeds they purchased. So it has been happening, which is in my view simply insane and wrong on so many different levels.  I thought this was America not the former Soviet Union. . 

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