Friday, August 30, 2013

To Give, To Love, To Serve...You.

To my readers, I realize that my 'wellness' blog has become something of an outlet for my personal diatribe.  For that I apologize.  On the other hand what I hope to impart is the raw, unadulterated struggle of the chiropractic profession as a whole, as well as an individual practitioner.

 The profession of chiropractic from the very outset has been set firmly 'against' pharmaceutical based care.  Being the last profession standing that is totally not in the pocket of Big Pharma, we as a profession have faced more than our share of political and legal struggles, each time coming out on top, in spite of public perception.

The long and short of it is when the facts are presented, particularly in a court room setting, chiropractic wins hands down, consistently.  However, in the court of public opinion we are mired in rumor, fear mongering and a plethora of unceasing innuendo.  Note that there are seldom if any 'facts' being used by mass media to describe chiropractic.  Normally you hear the opinion of a group who seek to keep chiropractic's influence on 'you', to an absolute minimum, usually by scaring you with stories of epic destruction, exaggeration and lying through their teeth in the form of a negative opinion. FYI 'Opinions' are protected by the First Amendment so they can share their opinion all day long.  But if they fabricate a lie and present it as 'fact' they are subject to libel and defamation law suits, hence chiropractics winning streak in court. 

 Ask yourself this.  If Chiropractic was truly as dangerous as we have been rumored to be, why are we still here? Think about that.  If any of the rumors about chiropractic were remotely true, even in one instance the profession would have self terminated decades ago.  After 118 years we are still here and the hammer keeps falling and we keep surviving. 

Osteopathy, the classic version, ceased to exist in 1957 when the AMA 'accepted' them as equal and absorbed them.  The Osteopath became a second class Md, nothing more than a common pill pusher.  In fact Osteopathy 'manipulation' became an elective and wasn't taught in schools until the early 1990s  when it was discovered that setting C1 cleared out ear infections in children. My grandfather knew that in 1925 but because he was a 'quack' it was dismissed as nonsense.  However, the very same finding 70 years later, was 'discovered' by an Osteopath?  Interesting. 

In the coming years, health care in this great nation will change. Either by necessity or by demand but will change to a patient centered care model and away from the pharmaceutical based model.  You the patient will be the primary catalyst for that change.  Your voice, the recipient of this nations upside down excuse for health care, is what is currently driving the changes in health care today.  People are generally tired of being medicated to death; sadly for many this is a literal truth. 

The pharmaceutical model is exactly what 'they' have attempted to portray the chiropractor as and that is 'dangerous'.  Though very powerful and flush with cash the very nature of their business model is what will bring them to a crashing halt.  It's and axiom of metaphysics and morality.  Absolute power is met with absolute resistance.  This holds true with dictatorships and corporate conglomerates, either the world brings them down or they do it themselves. Invariably 'they' the abusers of humanity self destruct. 

Chiropractic, by maintaining its autonomy and independence from 'Big Pharma', has withstood a decades long barrage of lies coming out bruised and bleeding but otherwise intact.  Dedication to you the patient is the chiropractors power.  Your well being is our strength.  The hug of a grateful child is our joy.  These are the reasons chiropractic has survived the onslaught of decades, our dedication to you our patients, the public we have yet to see and hope to see. 

It is my honor and duty as a Doctor of Chiropractic to Give, to Love and to Serve you.  It is my passion for this profession that drives me to say what must be said.  Who in history ever changed it by being silent?  At no time has social change of any sort come without upheaval, dissent and a monumental battle for the truth.  In all such struggles truth wins in the long run. How long change takes depends on how long you, the patient, are willing to wait.  What do you want out of your health care?  Are you willing to let someone else choose it for you?

To Give, To Love, To

Dr. Bend

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