In my daily practice I hear many stories of how my patients 'other' doctors express 'concern' that they are seeing a chiropractor. Thankfully in recent years this has become less common but continues to happen often enough to be a pain. Early on it was not uncommon for me to hear that a patients Md had threatened to drop them if they didn't stop seeing that (expletive) chiropractor. Unfortunately, some followed their Mds advice until the problem they'd come in for came back. Only this time they didn't mention it to their Md.
Sadly by taking charge of their own health care these patients felt obligated to keep it from their Md for fear of his/her reaction. In any health care profession it is important that the patient feel free to tell their doctor everything so that they can do everything in their power to help the patient. In the case cited above who is the loser in the equation? Clearly the Md has lost a measure of trust because the patient is not sharing 'everything' with them. The patient also loses out because now they have the unnecessary strain of having to be careful of what they say when they go and see their Md. The chiropractor also loses as they are relegated to the status of an illicit affair, to be seen on the side and only in secret. I'm the 'other' doctor.
As comical as that may sound it is more true than you may realize. Not long ago I had a patient who happened to be the wife of an Md. She had a problem he had not been able to address effectively. Frustrated she decided to see a chiropractor. When she arrived she was wearing a scarf that covered her hair and face. She had even parked her car on the next block walked around the block and approached my office from the rear and hurried into my front door afraid be seen entering my office.
After we worked her up and took x-rays she pulled me aside and asked that I not sent a bill to her home because she didn't want her husband to know she was seeing a chiropractor. She even asked if she could leave out the back door. As care progressed she began coming in through the back door and on days I wasn't supposed to be open. In effect I was seeing her on the side in what amounted to an illicit affair...a health care affair.
Even though it makes for a funny story the fact that it is a true story is sad if not tragic.
NO doctor whether they are an Md or a Chiropractor has the right to force such a decision on you. You have a right to see whomever you decide have the right to see both an Md and a chiropractor...if you choose to. Any doctor who does not respect your right to choose for yourself the type of care that works for you...does not require or deserve your patronage. There are plenty of other doctor out there who need your business and will respect your choices as a patient. In the end YOU are in charge of you. Nobody else can make a decision for you. Including me.
You deserve respect
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