Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Cholesterol once again.

First there is ZERO connection between cholesterol and heart disease.  ZERO!!!  That means that there is no connection between high cholesterol and Plaque build up in your arteries.  That's right there is no connection.  As recently as 25 years ago having a cholesterol of 300 was normal.  However that changed when a drug was discovered that would lower your cholesterol.  Once that was done they had to find a way to 'market' the new drug...and a fictional connection between heart disease and high cholesterol was invented.

 People with higher cholesterol tend to age much more slowly in terms of appearance and overall tissue health than a person with a neo-normal cholesterol.  There is also a new set of diseases that go along with the use of cholesterol lowering medication.  Rhabdomyolysis is a disease caused by not having enough cholesterol in your system, it also leads to heart disease.  That's right not having enough cholesterol in your system causes heart disease.  Not only does the lack of cholesterol cause heart disease the drug itself has 'heart disease' as a potential side effect.

 Our cell walls are made of cholesterol and as we break down our cells when we workout, for instance we need cholesterol to help rebuild the muscle tissue.  If there isn't enough cholesterol in our system then we won't have enough material necessary to build muscle and it breaks down more and more.  Our heart beats from sun up to sun down every day and requires regeneration of its cells in order to maintain functional integrity throughout our lives.  Tissue regeneration requires cholesterol to maintain that functional integrity.

 People who have low cholesterol seem to whither and age rather rapidly.  People with healthy naturally occurring cholesterol age normally...and do not degenerate as rapidly.  Also, why is it that a body builder would have 'high' cholesterol?  Could it be that their muscle mass might require a much higher amount of cholesterol to maintain that muscle mass? shows its ugly face.  I  hope this makes sense and causes you to think more actively about your health care.  If I told you only that which was socially acceptable or accepted by the masses as normal would I be doing you a service or a disservice?  By telling you things that may run contrary to your Mds opinion I am causing you to think..I hope.  Accepted wisdom has to be challenged if we are to evolve into a better more functionally intelligent species...rather than a bunch of mindless sheep willing to follow the corporate line because they say something is acceptable in a commercial. 

Cholesterol medication is another example of a corporate sales pitch that disregards the longer term effects for short term gains in a profit margin. 

 Dr. B

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