Once upon a time there was a construction worker who had a terrible accident in which his leg was severely injured. It was thought that he might just lose the leg it was damaged so badly. Luckily the treating doctor was a skilled surgeon and knew how to fix the leg so he would not lose it.
However, this man belonged to a PPO network and the adjuster working for the PPO was an evil number cruncher..more interested in the profit margin than the well being of the people he was supposed to help. Upon seeing the request for surgery...to repair the leg...his eyes popped out of his head..."Oh NO!!!" He cried..."this cannot be!!! The cost of repair is too much for me!!!" So the evil adjuster sent a note to the hospital..and said "Amputate, amputate...it is cheaper..how dare you presume I will pay more than I must?!!"
Horrified the patient thought is life was over. "How can I work without my leg?" he cried bitterly to his wife. Then the fairy princess of Chicago..the fair Lady Oprah heard of this mans plight...and decried to the world the tragic decision of the mans PPO. Upon this the world cried fowl...from the lowliest peasant to the highest kings...Fowl!! Fowl!! the world cried as one.
The doctor, fair man that he was, agreed to do the surgery...regardless of the PPOs horrendous decision to take his leg for no other reason than cost. "How about his quality of life?!!" he shouted.
Alas...deaf were the ears of the Adjuster....who chuckled..and said..."I shan't pay a dime...let him..pay for his leg if me must..I did not cause the accident....it was not my fault I say..it is not my fault he got injured why must I pay?"
Along came a noble and thoughtful attorney "I'll take this case!!" he cried. "I will not suffer such outrage!!"
And the noble attorney fought..and fought....for the rights of this man. The evil adjuster...fought well...but had not the spirit of righteousness in his heart...and soon lost the will to fight and so was vanquished...sorely.
The noble attorney took the battle to the adjuster and made him pay for the surgery, then made him pay for the emotional damage is greed had caused...then also took a nice tidy fee for his trouble, which the evil adjuster paid.
The Evil adjuster...wrote the check...and lamented....."Oh Woe...is me... how could this happen to me? How will I profit anon...How can I go on?" His lament was heard...by another evil PPO adjuster who bought his company and paid him well...and the first evil adjuster moved to Cancun. The new evil adjuster...was better able to perpetrate evil upon his newly acquired victims...and profited nicely by pretending to care but finding new, creative ways not to pay....which he continues to this very day....
The good man kept his leg and lived a good life..no thanks to the PPO...the attorney retired....and the evil adjuster went insane...drinking tropical, fruity adult beverages..lamenting his inability to make a profit harming the innocent....It is said that he died...screaming a curse.."NO, NO..I will not pay...I will not...I will not ever pay...I say!!!!" And so the curse of HMO and PPOs were cast upon the wind in his final breath. So that his evil is now ever present..and the same curse is repeated day in and day out 'NO, NO I will not pay, I will not, I will not ever pay...I say!!!" by adjusters the world over.
The End.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Physiology of stress
In this volatile economic climate and the world apparently losing its mind, our politicians behaving like a bunch of school children (naughty school children), it is difficult 'not' to be just a little stressed. It is no secret that stress kills. This is a well known and documented fact. However, has anyone ever explained in detail just what does happen when you find yourself stressed out for days and weeks or even years at a time?
First we have to explain the psychology or the trigger mechanism of the physical response. Consciously we know who or what has caused our stress. It could be a person we know or a series of events that make our lives rather more difficult than we'd like it to be. Its how our body reacts to this stress and how we manage it that makes stress so dangerous. What happens in a moment of stress?
First you get an adrenaline shot right to the blood stream. This causes your fat stores to release fat into the blood and alters it so that it is ready for quick energy. Your digestive system shuts down and shunts all the blood used for digestion to your extremities in preparation for your fight or flight from danger.
In nature this stress usually lasts a few minutes but most of us are in full blown fight and flight for the better part of 8 hours. Not Good. The fat in our blood hasn't been used up and it can't stay in your system otherwise you clog up your arteries have a heart attack and die. So the fat has to be put somewhere. Since the fat has been altered from its original state it can't just be put back where it was. Belly fat is often the result of this kind of stress. This kind of fat is call 'heart attack fat' because it gets into the blood stream easily...too easily which can be dangerous if you aren't fit in the cardiovascular area.
Coping with stress tools.
1. Deep, slow breathing. Take one deep breath in through the nose. Hold it for five full seconds and slowly breath out through pursed lips forcing the air out with your diaphragm. Repeat this 40 times. The moment of stress will be reduced with this simple exercise. More oxygen in your blood.
2. Exercise!!! Get off the couch, put the television remote away and take a nice leisurely walk around the block, the park or just down the street. Get outside!!! Breath air...clear your head of 'stuff'.
3. Get a good nights sleep every night. Catching up on the weekends does nothing but make you sore, sorry.
4. See your chiropractor often to keep your body running smooth so that your efforts above are as effective as possible.
5. smile at your antagonist...it will drive them crazy.
Dr. B
First we have to explain the psychology or the trigger mechanism of the physical response. Consciously we know who or what has caused our stress. It could be a person we know or a series of events that make our lives rather more difficult than we'd like it to be. Its how our body reacts to this stress and how we manage it that makes stress so dangerous. What happens in a moment of stress?
First you get an adrenaline shot right to the blood stream. This causes your fat stores to release fat into the blood and alters it so that it is ready for quick energy. Your digestive system shuts down and shunts all the blood used for digestion to your extremities in preparation for your fight or flight from danger.
In nature this stress usually lasts a few minutes but most of us are in full blown fight and flight for the better part of 8 hours. Not Good. The fat in our blood hasn't been used up and it can't stay in your system otherwise you clog up your arteries have a heart attack and die. So the fat has to be put somewhere. Since the fat has been altered from its original state it can't just be put back where it was. Belly fat is often the result of this kind of stress. This kind of fat is call 'heart attack fat' because it gets into the blood stream easily...too easily which can be dangerous if you aren't fit in the cardiovascular area.
Coping with stress tools.
1. Deep, slow breathing. Take one deep breath in through the nose. Hold it for five full seconds and slowly breath out through pursed lips forcing the air out with your diaphragm. Repeat this 40 times. The moment of stress will be reduced with this simple exercise. More oxygen in your blood.
2. Exercise!!! Get off the couch, put the television remote away and take a nice leisurely walk around the block, the park or just down the street. Get outside!!! Breath air...clear your head of 'stuff'.
3. Get a good nights sleep every night. Catching up on the weekends does nothing but make you sore, sorry.
4. See your chiropractor often to keep your body running smooth so that your efforts above are as effective as possible.
5. smile at your antagonist...it will drive them crazy.
Dr. B
Saturday, September 17, 2011
The Cholesterol Myth...marketing once again.
First there is ZERO connection between cholesterol and heart disease. ZERO!!! That means that there is no connection between high cholesterol and Plaque build up in your arteries. That's right there is no connection. As recently as 25 years ago having a cholesterol of 300 was normal. However that changed when a drug was discovered that would lower your cholesterol. Once that was done they had to find a way to 'market' the new drug...and a fictional connection between heart disease and high cholesterol was invented.
People with higher cholesterol tend to age much more slowly in terms of appearance and overall tissue health than a person with a neo-normal cholesterol. There is also a new set of diseases that go along with the use of cholesterol lowering medication. Rhabdomyolysis is a disease caused by not having enough cholesterol in your system, it also leads to heart disease. That's right not having enough cholesterol in your system causes heart disease. Not only does the lack of cholesterol cause heart disease the drug itself has 'heart disease' as a potential side effect.
Our cell walls are made of cholesterol and as we break down our cells when we workout, for instance we need cholesterol to help rebuild the muscle tissue. If there isn't enough cholesterol in our system then we won't have enough material necessary to build muscle and it breaks down more and more. Our heart beats from sun up to sun down every day and requires regeneration of its cells in order to maintain functional integrity throughout our lives. Tissue regeneration requires cholesterol to maintain that functional integrity.
People who have low cholesterol seem to whither and age rather rapidly. People with healthy naturally occurring cholesterol age normally...and do not degenerate as rapidly. Also, why is it that a body builder would have 'high' cholesterol? Could it be that their muscle mass might require a much higher amount of cholesterol to maintain that muscle mass?
Again...marketing shows its ugly face. I hope this makes sense and causes you to think more actively about your health care. If I told you only that which was socially acceptable or accepted by the masses as normal would I be doing you a service or a disservice? By telling you things that may run contrary to your Mds opinion I am causing you to think..I hope. Accepted wisdom has to be challenged if we are to evolve into a better more functionally intelligent species...rather than a bunch of mindless sheep willing to follow the corporate line because they say something is acceptable in a commercial.
Cholesterol medication is another example of a corporate sales pitch that disregards the longer term effects for short term gains in a profit margin.
Dr. B
People with higher cholesterol tend to age much more slowly in terms of appearance and overall tissue health than a person with a neo-normal cholesterol. There is also a new set of diseases that go along with the use of cholesterol lowering medication. Rhabdomyolysis is a disease caused by not having enough cholesterol in your system, it also leads to heart disease. That's right not having enough cholesterol in your system causes heart disease. Not only does the lack of cholesterol cause heart disease the drug itself has 'heart disease' as a potential side effect.
Our cell walls are made of cholesterol and as we break down our cells when we workout, for instance we need cholesterol to help rebuild the muscle tissue. If there isn't enough cholesterol in our system then we won't have enough material necessary to build muscle and it breaks down more and more. Our heart beats from sun up to sun down every day and requires regeneration of its cells in order to maintain functional integrity throughout our lives. Tissue regeneration requires cholesterol to maintain that functional integrity.
People who have low cholesterol seem to whither and age rather rapidly. People with healthy naturally occurring cholesterol age normally...and do not degenerate as rapidly. Also, why is it that a body builder would have 'high' cholesterol? Could it be that their muscle mass might require a much higher amount of cholesterol to maintain that muscle mass?
Again...marketing shows its ugly face. I hope this makes sense and causes you to think more actively about your health care. If I told you only that which was socially acceptable or accepted by the masses as normal would I be doing you a service or a disservice? By telling you things that may run contrary to your Mds opinion I am causing you to think..I hope. Accepted wisdom has to be challenged if we are to evolve into a better more functionally intelligent species...rather than a bunch of mindless sheep willing to follow the corporate line because they say something is acceptable in a commercial.
Cholesterol medication is another example of a corporate sales pitch that disregards the longer term effects for short term gains in a profit margin.
Dr. B
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Science and the scientific method.
This word 'Scientific' has been thrown at the chiropractic profession like a stone. Chiropractic is not Scientific! Before I expound upon my view on this topic I think it is appropriate to clarify just what science is or more accurately what a 'scientific study' is.
In order to have truly 'scientific' method you must first have a theory to prove. Once you have a theory we need a laboratory setting in which to go about proving our theory correct, thus making it scientific law. In the lab we set up the experiment to prove our theory by removing variables from the equation by controlling the conditions of the experiment. Having set the conditions we now conduct the experiment, multiple times. In order for our theory to be proven we must repeat the experiment at least three times and have the same outcome each time 'consecutively'. So in order to convert a scientific theory into scientific law we must have a repeatable, predictable out come 'every time'.
So in order to have a truly scientific study we must first be able to control the variables 100% of the time. Now we've all heard the pharmaceutical commercials state that this product or that product 'has been scientifically proven to do this or that. More recently they've taken to saying 'Clinically Proven'. So lets pick that apart. As mentioned above a scientific study has to control the variables, right? Ok, so how do we duplicate the biochemical individuality of a single human being, where billions upon billions of chemical reactions take place each time we take a breath, eat or think?
Think?!! When we generate a thought our biochemistry changes because thinking requires a plethora of chemical reactions to generate a neurological impulse which is transmitted to either an idea or a motor function which in turn utilizes another set of chemical reactions simply to move your hand to scratch an itch or pet your dog. Generally actions we take for granted yet require millions of tiny instantaneous chemical reactions to take place in milliseconds.
So if we cannot duplicate human physiology how can a pharmaceutical company 'scientifically' prove their drug works? This is done by setting the parameters of the study to fit their intended goal. So if I wanted to prove that my drug cures cancer or cures depression I have to prove it by duplicating that outcome.
An extreme example: I am a brand new pharmaceutical company trying to sell a new drug that will cure cancer, diabetes and depression 100% of the time, guaranteed. In order to prove my drug works the way I say it does I have to get a panel of study subjects each suffering with this same combination of ailments. I then split them into two groups and give one group 'potassium cyanide' and the other group a sugar pill.
Findings: Every subject who took 'potassium cyanide' is no longer suffering from any of the diseases they entered the study with. I have repeated the intended outcome. Potassium Cyanide cured all the diseases! However, the side effect of using potassium cyanide is 'instantaneous death'. Study group two had no ill effects from their sugar pills save one subject who went into diabetic coma.
"But they're all dead!! How can you say this drug is a success?"
"I never said it was safe, the goal was to prove effectiveness against the disease and they are clearly not suffering from any diseases are they?"
"They're dead!!!"
"Hey don't bother me with details, I can't help the fact that they had a fatal reaction to the drug."
Ok, so it isn't likely that anyone could get away with something that insane. Yet my example isn't so far off the mark of how a drug gets approved for market. It only has to be shown to do something along the lines of what the manufacturer claims it will do. "I believe that the study subjects won't all die...Maybe".
If you listen to the pharmaceutical commercials carefully you will hear the list of side effects that are often worse than what you are taking the drug for. But it was scientifically or clinically proven to work against whatever it is they are trying to fix, the side effects are immaterial.
So when someone says chiropractic is not scientific understand from which corner they are coming and understand that physiology cannot be duplicated in a laboratory setting therefore no health care profession can be truly scientific as a result. Only drugs are so studied, which ties into my previous blogs about health care being more about marketing than actual scientific study.
Dr. B
In order to have truly 'scientific' method you must first have a theory to prove. Once you have a theory we need a laboratory setting in which to go about proving our theory correct, thus making it scientific law. In the lab we set up the experiment to prove our theory by removing variables from the equation by controlling the conditions of the experiment. Having set the conditions we now conduct the experiment, multiple times. In order for our theory to be proven we must repeat the experiment at least three times and have the same outcome each time 'consecutively'. So in order to convert a scientific theory into scientific law we must have a repeatable, predictable out come 'every time'.
So in order to have a truly scientific study we must first be able to control the variables 100% of the time. Now we've all heard the pharmaceutical commercials state that this product or that product 'has been scientifically proven to do this or that. More recently they've taken to saying 'Clinically Proven'. So lets pick that apart. As mentioned above a scientific study has to control the variables, right? Ok, so how do we duplicate the biochemical individuality of a single human being, where billions upon billions of chemical reactions take place each time we take a breath, eat or think?
Think?!! When we generate a thought our biochemistry changes because thinking requires a plethora of chemical reactions to generate a neurological impulse which is transmitted to either an idea or a motor function which in turn utilizes another set of chemical reactions simply to move your hand to scratch an itch or pet your dog. Generally actions we take for granted yet require millions of tiny instantaneous chemical reactions to take place in milliseconds.
So if we cannot duplicate human physiology how can a pharmaceutical company 'scientifically' prove their drug works? This is done by setting the parameters of the study to fit their intended goal. So if I wanted to prove that my drug cures cancer or cures depression I have to prove it by duplicating that outcome.
An extreme example: I am a brand new pharmaceutical company trying to sell a new drug that will cure cancer, diabetes and depression 100% of the time, guaranteed. In order to prove my drug works the way I say it does I have to get a panel of study subjects each suffering with this same combination of ailments. I then split them into two groups and give one group 'potassium cyanide' and the other group a sugar pill.
Findings: Every subject who took 'potassium cyanide' is no longer suffering from any of the diseases they entered the study with. I have repeated the intended outcome. Potassium Cyanide cured all the diseases! However, the side effect of using potassium cyanide is 'instantaneous death'. Study group two had no ill effects from their sugar pills save one subject who went into diabetic coma.
"But they're all dead!! How can you say this drug is a success?"
"I never said it was safe, the goal was to prove effectiveness against the disease and they are clearly not suffering from any diseases are they?"
"They're dead!!!"
"Hey don't bother me with details, I can't help the fact that they had a fatal reaction to the drug."
Ok, so it isn't likely that anyone could get away with something that insane. Yet my example isn't so far off the mark of how a drug gets approved for market. It only has to be shown to do something along the lines of what the manufacturer claims it will do. "I believe that the study subjects won't all die...Maybe".
If you listen to the pharmaceutical commercials carefully you will hear the list of side effects that are often worse than what you are taking the drug for. But it was scientifically or clinically proven to work against whatever it is they are trying to fix, the side effects are immaterial.
So when someone says chiropractic is not scientific understand from which corner they are coming and understand that physiology cannot be duplicated in a laboratory setting therefore no health care profession can be truly scientific as a result. Only drugs are so studied, which ties into my previous blogs about health care being more about marketing than actual scientific study.
Dr. B
Friday, September 9, 2011
As I was typing my last blog I heard on the radio an advertisement for a new movie Contagion. It sort of reminded me of the ER episode where there was a small pox out break and the hospital was quarantined. Of course there was the requisite 'drama' and extreme over acting that is meant to draw the audience into the story and tug at the heart strings. If memory serves me right, it was within 'weeks' of that episode that we started getting reports in the news of a possible 'small pox' outbreak. Which was followed by the CDC announcing that there was a vaccine available.
Of course President Bush was the first one to get the vaccine. However, most of the health care workers who were supposed to administer this vaccine to the public REFUSED to be vaccinated. They were concerned with the fact that the vaccine was a live virus vaccine and live viruses mutate. Once that juicy tidbit leaked out the public thought twice before rushing to get their Small Pox vaccine and the 'threat' as reported died quietly on the news desk, of course there was NO outbreak.
So I would like each of you reading my blog to pay attention to the news in the next few weeks following the release of Contagion. I would hazard a bet that a 'new' and deadly form of Small Pox or some other dastardly 'contagion' will have been discovered. It will be hyped with drama, stern, worried expressions and the heart felt recommendation that you get your vaccination as soon as possible.
I am asking each of you to think logically and remember how many other epidemics or pandemics have failed to materialize in the past decade regardless of the hype that precipitated them. It will be interesting to see if my prediction comes to fruition. Wouldn't that be something?
Dr. B
Of course President Bush was the first one to get the vaccine. However, most of the health care workers who were supposed to administer this vaccine to the public REFUSED to be vaccinated. They were concerned with the fact that the vaccine was a live virus vaccine and live viruses mutate. Once that juicy tidbit leaked out the public thought twice before rushing to get their Small Pox vaccine and the 'threat' as reported died quietly on the news desk, of course there was NO outbreak.
So I would like each of you reading my blog to pay attention to the news in the next few weeks following the release of Contagion. I would hazard a bet that a 'new' and deadly form of Small Pox or some other dastardly 'contagion' will have been discovered. It will be hyped with drama, stern, worried expressions and the heart felt recommendation that you get your vaccination as soon as possible.
I am asking each of you to think logically and remember how many other epidemics or pandemics have failed to materialize in the past decade regardless of the hype that precipitated them. It will be interesting to see if my prediction comes to fruition. Wouldn't that be something?
Dr. B
Thursday, September 8, 2011
An illicit health care affair.
In my daily practice I hear many stories of how my patients 'other' doctors express 'concern' that they are seeing a chiropractor. Thankfully in recent years this has become less common but continues to happen often enough to be a pain. Early on it was not uncommon for me to hear that a patients Md had threatened to drop them if they didn't stop seeing that (expletive) chiropractor. Unfortunately, some followed their Mds advice until the problem they'd come in for came back. Only this time they didn't mention it to their Md.
Sadly by taking charge of their own health care these patients felt obligated to keep it from their Md for fear of his/her reaction. In any health care profession it is important that the patient feel free to tell their doctor everything so that they can do everything in their power to help the patient. In the case cited above who is the loser in the equation? Clearly the Md has lost a measure of trust because the patient is not sharing 'everything' with them. The patient also loses out because now they have the unnecessary strain of having to be careful of what they say when they go and see their Md. The chiropractor also loses as they are relegated to the status of an illicit affair, to be seen on the side and only in secret. I'm the 'other' doctor.
As comical as that may sound it is more true than you may realize. Not long ago I had a patient who happened to be the wife of an Md. She had a problem he had not been able to address effectively. Frustrated she decided to see a chiropractor. When she arrived she was wearing a scarf that covered her hair and face. She had even parked her car on the next block walked around the block and approached my office from the rear and hurried into my front door afraid be seen entering my office.
After we worked her up and took x-rays she pulled me aside and asked that I not sent a bill to her home because she didn't want her husband to know she was seeing a chiropractor. She even asked if she could leave out the back door. As care progressed she began coming in through the back door and on days I wasn't supposed to be open. In effect I was seeing her on the side in what amounted to an illicit affair...a health care affair.
Even though it makes for a funny story the fact that it is a true story is sad if not tragic.
NO doctor whether they are an Md or a Chiropractor has the right to force such a decision on you. You have a right to see whomever you decide to...you have the right to see both an Md and a chiropractor...if you choose to. Any doctor who does not respect your right to choose for yourself the type of care that works for you...does not require or deserve your patronage. There are plenty of other doctor out there who need your business and will respect your choices as a patient. In the end YOU are in charge of you. Nobody else can make a decision for you. Including me.
You deserve respect
Sadly by taking charge of their own health care these patients felt obligated to keep it from their Md for fear of his/her reaction. In any health care profession it is important that the patient feel free to tell their doctor everything so that they can do everything in their power to help the patient. In the case cited above who is the loser in the equation? Clearly the Md has lost a measure of trust because the patient is not sharing 'everything' with them. The patient also loses out because now they have the unnecessary strain of having to be careful of what they say when they go and see their Md. The chiropractor also loses as they are relegated to the status of an illicit affair, to be seen on the side and only in secret. I'm the 'other' doctor.
As comical as that may sound it is more true than you may realize. Not long ago I had a patient who happened to be the wife of an Md. She had a problem he had not been able to address effectively. Frustrated she decided to see a chiropractor. When she arrived she was wearing a scarf that covered her hair and face. She had even parked her car on the next block walked around the block and approached my office from the rear and hurried into my front door afraid be seen entering my office.
After we worked her up and took x-rays she pulled me aside and asked that I not sent a bill to her home because she didn't want her husband to know she was seeing a chiropractor. She even asked if she could leave out the back door. As care progressed she began coming in through the back door and on days I wasn't supposed to be open. In effect I was seeing her on the side in what amounted to an illicit affair...a health care affair.
Even though it makes for a funny story the fact that it is a true story is sad if not tragic.
NO doctor whether they are an Md or a Chiropractor has the right to force such a decision on you. You have a right to see whomever you decide to...you have the right to see both an Md and a chiropractor...if you choose to. Any doctor who does not respect your right to choose for yourself the type of care that works for you...does not require or deserve your patronage. There are plenty of other doctor out there who need your business and will respect your choices as a patient. In the end YOU are in charge of you. Nobody else can make a decision for you. Including me.
You deserve respect
Friday, September 2, 2011
A canned opinion.
Several years ago Dr. Dean Adell 'warned' consumers about going to chiropractors who used the term Subluxation. His advice was that if any chiropractor had the word Subluxation on the wall of their offices or used that term at all 'you' were supposed to leave. Dr. Adell is an Opthamologist who has shared his negative opinion of chiropractors with nauseating regularity and even more nauseating ignorance.
He, like many other syndicated radio and television personalities, has been paid to use their doctor status as a gun for hire. It all ties into our health care system being more of a marketing tool than an actual health care system. His opinion of chiropractic has never been positive and it is doubtful he has ever really looked into it other than to read the script he is handed. Dr. Gott is another one whose opinion is more about self inflated egotism than it is about knowledge and understanding. If you look at his information it repeats itself over and over and over. I don't think Dr. Gott has had an original thought in the past 25 years, it is equally doubtful that Dr. Adell has been more than a bought and paid for mouth piece since he first sold his soul to sponsors.
Sadly these two examples of hired opinions are nothing new. It has been this way for well over a century now. In fact most of Dr. Gotts and Dr Adells opinions were shared with the public when my grandfather first opened his office in Illinois in 1925. So when you really think about it they are simply repeating old opinions that their peers and predecessors had 80 years go. They can't even come up with new arguments...they have to repeat the old ones over and over and over. Sad.
He, like many other syndicated radio and television personalities, has been paid to use their doctor status as a gun for hire. It all ties into our health care system being more of a marketing tool than an actual health care system. His opinion of chiropractic has never been positive and it is doubtful he has ever really looked into it other than to read the script he is handed. Dr. Gott is another one whose opinion is more about self inflated egotism than it is about knowledge and understanding. If you look at his information it repeats itself over and over and over. I don't think Dr. Gott has had an original thought in the past 25 years, it is equally doubtful that Dr. Adell has been more than a bought and paid for mouth piece since he first sold his soul to sponsors.
Sadly these two examples of hired opinions are nothing new. It has been this way for well over a century now. In fact most of Dr. Gotts and Dr Adells opinions were shared with the public when my grandfather first opened his office in Illinois in 1925. So when you really think about it they are simply repeating old opinions that their peers and predecessors had 80 years go. They can't even come up with new arguments...they have to repeat the old ones over and over and over. Sad.
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