As a chiropractor one of the most pressing challenges we face is the 'Fix me now' patient. Invariably these individuals come in expecting 'instant gratification' from the issues they've been dealing with for years and years. As much as I would love to be able to 'fix it now', that is not how chiropractic works. That is not how the body works. It would be great if we could heal as quickly as we screw ourselves up. Sadly mother nature has other ideas.
For over a century now, we have been exposed to pharmaceutical based care. It has dominated the health care landscape from 1913 to present with no let up. In fact it has increased its hold on the health care industry to the point that all other options have been pretty much squelched so that nobody gets to hear anything but drugs, surgery, drugs to counter the side effects of other drugs, or to piggy back one drug over another to 'increase' your chances of recovery, survival...or to somehow be happier in a drug induced euphoria full of butter flies, ideal husband, wife, children.. all because you took this new enhancing drug....that might cause you to have a truly life altering episode of suicidal tendencies, cancer or instantaneous death.
It is hard to imagine that such drugs could ever have been approved for sale much less remain on the market long enough to make the manufacturer an insanely handsome profit. The reason that these pharmaceutical companies get away with such heinous behavior is because we as a nation
have fallen victim to the 'fix me now' mentality. More accurately it is a 'keep me from feeling my pain' mentality rather than a true fix.
In essence we want instant relief from pain, all pain physical and mental and we are willing to take anything and everything that promises instant gratification, in spite of side effects or risks involved. This has led to the pharmaceutical industry making so much money they could buy politicians, press and media outlets and control legislation, public commentary and even drive public opinion through the manipulation of media and news outlets. Woe be it to those who dare to question their authority or political influence and heaven forbid question the efficacy of their drugs and don't you 'dare' question vaccines!!!!
The violent responses to questions of a drug or vaccines efficacy should be enough to raise questions by itself. If their only response to questions is to dismiss or to destroy the life of the person asking questions instead of having a rational discussion about the concerns raised, we should all be a bit concerned about the unquestioned status of our pharmaceutical industry, media and political elite.
That being said, we need to look into the mirror at ourselves collectively for allowing it to get this far. We are the market that feeds the monster we are just now, as a nation, coming to grips with. Most of us, those of us not addled by psychotropic drugs or laying comatose on a hospital bed with tubes wires and God knows what else jabbed into our bodies to hopefully keep us alive, need to take a hard uncomfortable look at what we have done to contribute to this state of affairs.
We all want an instant fix. I would love it if I could take a drug that made me muscular, tall and gave me the super sexy body I used to have...decades ago. Reality, Mother Nature and my genetics have all conspired against me. Health, however it is you measure it, comes with hard work, active participation and the active use of your brain. GASP!!! NO!!! Not that!!! Anything but that!!!
Sorry...but you and I have to work at being healthy. It won't come in a bottle or in a vaccine. It comes from being proactive and knowing what to put into your body and what not to put into your body. It means taking charge of your self and being an active member or your own health regimen, it would be a good idea to include me in that as well your health expert...rather your chiropractor.
Nuff Said.
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