Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Is the United States no more?

I can honestly say that as a vet of our armed services I have grown rather disenchanted with our legislative branch, Judicial branch and executive branch.  It seems that morality as defined by most people on this planet no longer exists in our country.  I am referring to the CDC and the willful ditching of information that strongly indicated that Vaccines do indeed cause autism....they knew it and the hid the evidence and falsified a new research study to bolster their 'client' Merck...who rewarded the heads of the CDC at the time with lucrative position within the Firm.

Good men, women and children have suffered outrageously for opposing the CDC.  Dr. Wakefield had his career taken from him because he dared to tell the truth. How despicable must you be to ruin a man whose only purpose was to tell the world of a potential danger with a mercury laden vaccine...that he discovered was causing autism?  The CDC did a study to see if there was any such link...while they were actively destroying this mans career.  When the found that what he said was true..they continued to ruin destroy him...and lied to YOU the consumer of Merck vaccine that their chief executives could line their pockets at the expense of our childrens health, lives and future.

Despicable.  That is a word for it...maybe 'Vile', or even Loathsome.  Our nation was meant for all of us to live freely, worship our chosen religion freely to live as we choose to live without government involvement in our lives.  Here we have the CDC lying...and pushing this nation into forced vaccines...denying anyone who chooses not to vaccinate the right to participate in schools, programs, if you don't vaccinate.

The very premise of UnAmerican.  It smacks of totalitarianism in which the people have no choice about anything and that is where our it as I going.  If there was a genuine epidemic...which there has not been since 1918...Then I might understand the hysterics.  Trouble is for me that I happen to know that the 1918 Spanish Influenza epidemic....was spread by and experimental vaccine...and the people who could not get to the vaccine distribution centers...did not get the flu...and lived..those who got the flu shot...contracted the flu...many of whom died. 

The promise of the United States of America is under attack!!  The Pharmaceutical industry is the culprit...with the CDC and United States Congress willing accomplices. 

 The United States of America is losing itself under the influence of Big Pharma...The commies weren't nearly as scary...not even under Stalin.  

Nuff Said.

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