Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Unquestioned, Unchallenged Authority.

This concept is one of the most dangerous social constructs our species has come up with in our short and volatile existence on this ancient rock we live on.  History is replete with dictatorships, monarchies and military juntas, each with their own methods of quelling social unrest, usually bloody, usually brutal and effective if for only a short while.  One commonality these brutal types of governments have is that they are all, without fail, temporary.  None have survived the test of time or the tolerance of human nature.  As for the British Monarchy, they are no longer a ruling class but a figure head with limited power, hence their longevity as a monarchy.

In any case unchallenged authority, no matter how you package it, is dangerous.  Examples of unchallenged authority range from political rhetoric to health care paradigms, each with their own set of social consequences.  In the 1950s Senator McCarthy held up an empty file and declared that he had a 'list' of communists who had infiltrated congress and certain areas of government.   What followed was what we know today as the 'Red Scare', which dominated our nations focus for a few years until it was abruptly addressed and shut down as a gross violation of our civil rights. 

Another example of unchallenged authority is the AMA. From the early 20th Century the AMA was 'the authority' in all things 'health' related.  What drove their unchallenged status were the deep pockets of the pharmaceutical industry who had very, very, very deep pockets which they used to bolster the AMAs political strength and influence which lead to the AMA becoming the unchallenged authority they 'were'.  So long as they made the pharm money the pharm paved their political roadway ensuring that the AMA retained its perceived authority, which was being used to make the pharm more and more money.

Being unchallenged creates an ego trip and dumbs you down.  If you can say anything you want, no matter how ludicrous or profoundly stupid and not have it challenged it is easy to believe that what you say is worthy of biblical writ and spew forth inanity upon inanity until you are finally challenged.  It is usually at this point that the 'ego' kicks in and the formerly unchallenged god of all things health unleashes a verbal assault on the person or persons daring to question their god-like wisdom.  This usually comes in the form of a particularly vicious attack on the credibility of the questioner hopefully restoring the perception of genuine authority.  Basically its a bully tactic. 

Chiropractic has been subjected to this very sort of tactic for the past century.  The fact that we are still here and growing in our influence in spite of persistent attacks on our profession suggests that the 'wisdom' of the AMA may not be wisdom but rhetoric. With all unchallenged authority, challenge is inevitable.  If you are unable to address your challenger with an effective, logical argument supporting your position the only recourse is to attack your challengers credibility in order to sustain your position, which is rhetoric.  Eventually true wisdom wins out.  It may take years, decades and even centuries, but true wisdom will ALWAYS without fail surface.  Galeleo was proven right when he said that the sun was the center of the solar system and not the earth, for this truth he was threatened with death by the church who found his 'truth' threatening. Eventually he was proven correct but he did not live to see his truth accepted. 

Chiropractic and chiropractors have challenged the AMA for over a Century now and the AMA cannot and will not subdue those of us who question their motives, and perception of wisdom which has been proven deadly if profitable.  In that sense the AMA has proven itself fallible and driven by egotistic rhetoric rather than sound logic and  physiology.  Why do you think chiropractic is still here and challenging the status quo? Why would the AMA have to attack chiropractic if they, the AMA, had a functional leg to stand on?  Why do they have to buy politicians with their pimps money?

Challenge everything often. 

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