You have to be living under a rock to not be aware of how our world is changing around us. How you may feel about what is happening depends largely on how these changes effect you. If you are a Wall Street banker you may be looking on these changes with some trepidation, uncertain about whether to cash out and move to Costa Rica or hire more security. If you are a Police officer, Fireman or Teacher you are likely making sure your Union dues are paid and that you are registered to vote in the next election cycle. If you are a home owner and are under water in your mortgage it is likely that you are both seething with rage and nervous about losing your home; mostly because someone is threatening to take it if you don't make the outrageous payment 'they' decided you should pay while knowing full well you cannot. Frustration, fear and outrage dominate our mindset as a nation.
Though this is a 'wellness' blog, it is important to note that in order to be truly well we must have a sense of well being about our living conditions as well as our physical state. Since the 08' blow up, blood pressure cases are up, strokes are up, heart attacks are up and drinking related fatalities are up because people are not coping with the stress and strain caused by a few ultra-wealthy souls who perpetrated a massive fraud on our nation, nearly bringing it to its knees and bringing the world economy with it.
So as your wellness assignment today, I want each of you to register to vote and participate in our nations elections. Numbers are what our politicians pay attention to particularly when those numbers represent you the American taxpayer, their constituents. It is up to you to take them to task for your sake as for everyone else's. Vote.
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