Your body will let you know what it needs if you simply pay attention to it. When you are hungry that is an indication that you are low on fuel and its time to fill up again. Thirst is a signal that you need to take in some water...not soda or vodka or some other 'thing' that has water in it. And for heavens sake do not use 'diet soda' as a substitute for water...please. The chemistry in diet soda becomes formaldehyde or embalming fluid. YUK!!
When your body is sleepy it does not mean that you need a double shot of espresso in your 'mint, mocha chip latte'. It means that you need to go to bed. It would help if you had a regular bed time and got a good 8 hours of sleep daily. Daily means daily...not catching up on the weekends.
The consequences of neglecting your bodies attempts at self regulation are serious. Fail to eat and your body will consume itself and eventually collapse. Forget to drink water and you will first get a nasty headache...and if you continue to not drink will collapse. If you do not sleep enough..or use artificial stimulants to stay awake..your body will eventually fatigue and collapse. These are a few examples of how you need to pay attention to your bodies function. It is your responsibility to prevent total body collapse by simply paying attention to what your body is telling you. Pay attention.
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