Monday, June 27, 2016

Migraines 101

                                                                       Migraine 101
According to Mosby’s medical dictionary Migraines are idiopathic meaning that the general cause of a migraine is ‘unknown’.  That is to say that there is no identifiable pathological cause. The effects are obvious but the physiology behind them is a mystery, according to standard medical understanding. What if we look at it from a non-medical, non-pathological perspective and examine the physiological cause of migraines? 
When we look at a migraine from a purely physiological context it becomes easy to understand.  Once you understand what is causing the migraine it then follows that you can address it and make it stop. This is where I will begin to lose some of you because ‘you’ have had every prescription medication under the sun including possibly a marijuana card, which might take the edge off, if it, works at all.  The trouble is that migraines are not generally caused by a lack of medication. 
At this point you might be asking “Ok then, Dr. Smarty pants, if it isn’t a pathological disease why does my head feel like it is about to explode and why has my doctor not figured this out if it is so ‘easy’ to understand?”  The answer to this question is that your doctor was never trained to do more than medicate a migraine because there was no known cause of a migraine in terms of medico pathophysiology.  So the only recourse left to them was to ply ‘you’ with what medications were recommended in their pharmacopeia handbook and hope for the best. I like to equate this to playing a game of blindfolded darts. 
 What is a migraine?  The short answer is ‘A hyper-active’ nervous system’.  This means that the nervous system is ready to react to whatever trigger you might have.  An example of this concept would be a pistol. In order for the pistol to be fired the hammer must be pulled back so that when you pull the trigger it will fire. If the hammer is not pulled back you can pull the trigger until Christmas and nothing will happen.  The concept behind the migraine would be to ‘un-cock’ the nervous system so that your triggers are less likely to set off the migraine. 
What is a trigger? It is exactly what the word suggests a ‘trigger’. It could be as innocuous as a blast of ‘El Cheapo No. 6’ perfume, a sip of red wine or even an emotional trigger like a pending visit of your favorite mother in law.  A trigger is as numerous and varied as there are people on this earth; the one common denominator being a hyper active nervous system and that is where I come in, your chiropractor.
Yes, seeing your chiropractor is your best chance of getting rid of or at least controlling your migraine headaches.  Nervous system malfunction is what a chiropractor addresses by focusing on your spine. It just so happens to be the brain stem, where 99.99% of migraine headaches are centered, and is the junction where the skull and spine meet. This region is where your chiropractor will focus his/her attention when they address your migraines. 
How is that the cause of a migraine?  Mechanically the basilar occiput or the base plate of the skull can be pulled off its articulation and become fixated.  Chiropractors call this a subluxation.  This causes the brainstem to rotate ever so slightly, causing the dense nerve bundles within to become irritated. Being the most dense nerve bundle in your body (every nerve that connects your brain to every cell in your body passes through this point) it is a prime facilitator of your migraine headache.  In short the brainstem is twisted, think of wringing a towel, and imagine how your nerves might react to being twisted like that. 
The occiput also happens to be a muscle attachment point for the trapezius muscle, sternocleidomastoid or SCM muscle which turns the head one way or the other.  If we are under any sort of emotional stress, physical stress, trauma that might cause the occiput to pull off its articulation and lock into position you might find your brainstem under strain which then primes you for a migraine. 
The adjustment is simple and quick, and exceptionally safe. Generally when a person presents with a migraine they can expect one of three possible outcomes
1.) Instant relief of the migraine.
2.) Migraine headache gets worse, then eases off. 
3.) Migraine fades out slowly
Most often you will experience one of these three possible reactions to your first adjustment.  The protocol will take several months to stabilize and see permanent reduction of your migraines.  Most often we see a reduction in frequency before we see a reduction in severity.  And yes, you will likely have to keep seeing me regularly as a means of keeping your migraines under control. 
Ahaaaaaaaaaa!!!!  It’s just one of those queeropractor gimmicks to get me to keep coming in forever! 
Okay, you got me my whole thing is to make sure that you are pain free for the rest of your life, sorry.  If you want to live with your migraines because you do not want to live under the tyrannical wellness regimen of a chiropractor who has conspired against your being sick, that is your choice. 
Yours in Heath and wellness.