SB277 as of today is reality. Forced vaccinations when throughout the world new information has been forthcoming about the dangers of vaccines and the long term damage they can and will do. With the so called herd immunity a predominating argument. What a crock of shit!!
If vaccines actually provided an immunity that was permanent vs temporary, that is if the vaccine takes at all, I'd have little problem with them. However, as it stands I do have a major problem with vaccines in the fact that they aren't safe. Try justifying to me injecting known neurotoxin(mercury and thimerisol) in doses far above what is considered safe for 'one' injection, then add multiple doses above the non-toxic limit then add 'that' to the physiology of a young child whose nervous system is still developing and common sense dictates something bad is likely to happen. At least the risk factor is high enough to be concerned.
Another fact that causes me concern is many of these vaccines aren't even produced in the USA, but China, India and God only knows where else. Countries that do not have the same regulations of safety that we do. Not only this, not to sound excessively paranoid, but one of those nations is a potential military enemy.
Of all the states where this legislation was introduced the only three states that passed it were California, West Virginia and Mississippi. Everywhere else this legislation was soundly defeated on the grounds of it being unconstitutional. So with that said... SCOTUS will overturn the law because the entire basis of the law itself is a violation of the constitution which is the foundation upon which this nation was founded. So this law is already dead in the water as far as I'm concerned.
So why was it introduced in the first place? World wide awareness of vaccine damage is growing. The vaccines are so prolific world wide that the damage they cause and have caused is now well documented. That said the United States Congress set up a Vaccine Court 25 years ago to hear cases against Vaccine damages children, many of whom have severe vaccine damage, irreversible brain damage in the form of severe autism and death.
The findings and awards from the vaccine court is sealed and the plaintiffs are given a gag order to prevent them from ever being called to testify or be interviewed or to write a single word about what happened to their children. But they proved there is 'no link' to vaccines and autism!!!
No...they have not. What they have done is fabricate false research, bury the truth and destroy the careers of anyone who dares to challenge the might of Big Pharma. Yeah, it sounds like some paranoid delusional rant of the sky falling or they are frying or brains with microwaves!! However, facts play a roll in this statement. The CDC in 2004 actually did discover that the MMR Vaccine was very much a cause of autism particularly in the African American population, specifically boys under 36 months old. This tidy little fact was not something the CDC wanted published, because their leadership was working hand in hand with Merck and other pharmaceutical vaccine producers to create was is now known as the Vaccine Construction program where 'legislation like this would be introduced and force the children of the nation to get vaccinated on the government ticket. The end result being that Merck would make hundreds of Billions annually. Several former heads of the CDC are now sitting in well paying jobs with a reward for their efforts. I don't know about you...but I think that is what is defined as a conflict of interest...IN SPADES!!
Topping off this statement is the fact that Dr. Thompson of the CDC broke ranks with them this last August 2014 and released that study for the world to see. However, that defection was not well publicized because the CDC for whatever reason decided to bring in an Ebola infected pt into our country...just as this story happened to be making the news. Curious coincidence.
As for the Danish Study as conducted by a psychiatrist and not a research scientist Dr. Thornson and who is currently wanted by the FBI for absconding with the CDC money to research this. The findings of which were falsified as the money meant to create the study was taken by Dr. Thornson for personal use...the findings are automatically dubious...if not automatically nullified as valid. Yet this is the study most often the CDC in its perpetual argument against the Vaccine link to Autism.
In short the vaccine construction was meant to do what it did in California and panic the population into thinking that unvaccinated children were a danger to their vaccinated children. Think on that statement for a moment...if a vaccinated kid has been VACCINATED...nobody, theoretically should be able to 'harm' them. Yet, 'herd' immunity is the argument...which is a crock because the rationale for the mass vaccination is causing exactly what they are afraid of...outbreaks of these diseases...because the virus is exists in nature...and vaccine immunity if it when an adult comes into contact with chicken pox, measles or mumps they are at risk for becoming barren or sterile...depending on gender where as a prepubescent not at risk.
Ladies and gentlemen this law was the result of a vile conspiracy to create a market for mass vaccinations. If we are all vaccinated...our herd immunity as they so often term it will be at risk in mere decades.
Mass Vaccinations will cause our population untold harm in terms of adolescent deaths, adult sterility and a plethora of long terms disease states...that may prove detrimental to the worlds population while making a pharmaceutical executive billions in bonuses.
This is a dangerously sad day for America and the World