It never ceases to amaze me how hysterical the media can be when something happens that is not in the interest of their advertisers, namely the pharmaceutical industry. The USA is the only nation left on this planet that allows the advertising of prescription medication, the very last one. The USA makes up merely 5% of the worlds population yet we consume 60% of the worlds production of prescription pharmaceuticals. Hopefully that seems a bit excessive to you the reader of this blog.
Hopefully you are also aware of the fact that our nation is the most heavily vaccinated nation 'ever' and that Autism rates in the USA are higher than anywhere else in the world? Yet the studies that have been done to show the connection between Autism and the MMR vaccine have been ignored and those that have not been ignored have been blasted as fraud and heresy, whereas the only true fraud that seems to have been committed was by the industry screaming 'fraud' 'rape', foul and basically gnashing their teeth at anyone who 'dares' question the efficacy of the all Holy Church of Pharmacology. It would seem that they have assumed the roll of God Almighty himself, or at least are acting as if they have the authority to do, say and be anything they long as they can pay the politicians off.
In all honesty I don't think the Dark Ages were all that jacked up when compared to todays 'Reign of Pharmaceutical Terror'. Yes, I'm being melodramatic, but then so is the Pharmaceutical industry when they make every attempt at promoting the fear of a 'pandemic', epidemic...Armageddon of epic proportions out of every single case of whatever they want to create for the cameras.
20 billion dollars are spent annually on advertising pharmaceuticals in the United States. This number is several years old so I imagine that it is closer to 30 or even 40 billion by now. That should tell you something about the pharmaceutical industry and the media giants who dance to their tune.
In all honest I get it, I truly do get it. If someone were to throw a few million at me to say something I don't truly believe, I'd have a hard time saying 'no'. A simple act of ethical prostitution and I could make my debts disappear. Therein lies the trap. It is easy money for some to just dance to the tune that is being paid for by big spenders.
I do not believe it is far off the mark to say it is an addiction. Once someone has tasted the freedom of having a massive bank account that allows them to buy that Mercedes, BMW and the massive house overlooking the ocean it is very likely they are hooked. This is especially true of someone who has known economic hardship. Once they have money to spend whereas before they had been struggling...taking that step to ethical prostitution is not at all difficult, but giving it up...forget it.
We are seeing this in action today. The media is dancing rather spiritedly to the music of their special advertisers who wish to create a panic in the public about a disease that was once a normal childhood disease like chicken pox and mumps. All of these were normal every day occurrences that at one time was a rite of passage from one part of childhood to the next. It was once considered a natural occurrence and not at all harmful to the general public.
Now we are seeing what I believe is the side effect of excessive vaccination. What immunity a vaccine imparts is temporary 'if' the vaccine takes hold at all. It doesn't always take. Once the immunity wears off the individual becomes susceptible again. Only now they are post pubescent and fertile which now puts them at risk for becoming barren or sterile if they are afflicted with Chicken Pox or measles as an adult.
Shingles is an adult version of Chicken pox and it really does suck to get it but it is short lived usually less than 30 days and then it goes away on its own and does not normally occur again for a long time if ever. This used to be limited to the extreme elderly because it was usually those persons who were no longer exposed to younger children and thus were not exposed to adolescent chicken pox to rejuvenate their long held immunity. Now that nobody has been exposed to chicken pox naturally we are seeing an uptick in shingles in people in their 40s and 50s. Nobody seems to be looking at this issue from the perspective of an overly vaccinated population. If we suffer an epidemics it will likely be in the adult populations where the damage is most severe...thanks to temporary immunity of vaccines.
Side effects are a normal part of medicine. Only they casually speak of these side effects in commercials as 'normal' or if you experience this...or that...stop taking it and consult your doctor...or you could be having a 'rare' but fatal side effect.
God in Heaven!!!! Has anyone honestly listened to these commercials? Have you heard them say...
"This may the result of a rare but potentially fatal reaction, if you are experiencing...this, that..or the other...stop taking 'Uncle Eddies butt cream" and seek medical attention as you might be experiencing a 'RARE" fatal reaction. Sudden death has been reported...blah blah blah. Most of the time when they are telling you their stuff might actually kill you...Its with butterflies..and soft gentle music playing in the background as a smoking hot model is smiling and dancing with their partner. It just plain pisses me off...that these lunatics get away with it.
I am supposed to tell you that chiropractic is 'dangerous', that there are risks...etc..etc. Only nobody in my family, at least not since 1925...has actually created a problem for a patient to require an emergency room much less a funeral parlor. I think that is why we have such low malpractice premiums...but of course...we are spite of not having a death rate of any sort...period.
We are dangerous because we see 'media-medicine' for what it is...a sales pitch for an industry that if properly investigated by the federal government (which it apparently owns) would likely make Al Capone appear saintly by comparison.
I am asking each of you to forward this comment to everyone you know who might actually suffer from media blitz induced hysteria. We cannot afford to allow our population to be subjected to this foolishness of forced medical intervention. It is not in our interest as a nation or as a species.
If we succumb to this hysterical nonsense...America as the home of the free...will no longer be.
Dr. Richard Bend.