Thursday, November 20, 2014

Can we trust the CDC?

My wife has often decried my long winded diatribes expressing my view point, my frustration and often my anger with how our health care system has been politically gerrymandered.  What has happened to doing a good job for the patient? What has happened to putting the patient first or more simply what has happened to the moral compass that once embodied this nations founding?

 A whistle blower broke ranks with the CDC in August of this year, a senior member of the CDC, releasing a study that the CDC had buried dating back to 2001. That study, by the CDC, discovered and confirmed a connection between autism and vaccines. The study, in essence, validated Dr. Andrew Wakefields findings but who lost his license to practice medicine in Britain for telling the world what he had discovered, what the CDC knew to be true.   

He was being skewered by the CDC as a fraud...even after...they knew what he said was the truth...that there was a connection between vaccines and autism.  What is worse is the CDC, Big Pharm and even the News Media continued to destroy his professional reputation as well as his personal reputation to keep him quiet. 

 The guilt of this knowledge proved too much for Dr. Thompson who is the doctor who broke ranks with the CDC in August.  Sadly this defection was not mentioned in the news media...not one solitary whisper.  Heinous. A reality that suggests a rather strong and dubious influence by the Pharm/CDC/media conglomerate.  

It is this incident along with the 'convenient' timing of this latest Ebola scare that causes me to question the validity of the CDC and its actions.  Weeks following the whistle blower breaking ranks with the CDC for what can only be considered fraudulent criminal behavior, behavior for which if prosecuted properly could land several senior CDC officials in prison for a very, very long time. However, instead of addressing this 'crime' the CDC imports an 'Ebola' patient from a nation where Ebola had been effectively contained within its borders since the 1970s. 

Of course there was a media blitz where the cameras followed the supposed patient to a hospital in Dallas.   Of course the media was consumed by this latest outbreak, followed by two health care workers who just happened to both hop a plane potentially exposing hundreds of people to their disease.  If the CDC and WHO weren't so hopelessly compromised and morally vacuous I might have believed them...maybe. Not only was this, in my view, a cheap distraction, it is highly dubious given the 'hype' that this disease is highly contagious.  Also to bring this a hospital not familiar with the disease...and from which the disease broke containment which the media made very public is also dubious.    

Starting in the 1990s under President George Bush Jr. we started getting 'scares'.  First there was the television programming that started the ball rolling with 'Small Pox' on 'ER'.   Weeks later the CDC announces that a possible Small Pox outbreak is imminent and that the CDC has a vaccine to save us all.  Only health care workers refused to get the vaccine because it was untested and potentially dangerous.

The 'epidemic' such as it was faded away and the population of the USA went on breathing.  We then started getting wind of SARS, AVIAN flu, Swine flu which was renamed H1N1 because it sounded more ominous.  That and there were a lot of people who remembered the fiasco of the 1970s where they tried to scare us with swine flu.  Only the rush to get the vaccine in the 1970s caused 140 people to die when the scare started when one soldier in Fort Dix New Jersey died after he was given an experimental vaccine...for swine flue.

The one common denominator in each of these 'scares' was that the CDC, each time, had a 'vaccine' for that specific disease...convenient.  It takes years to develop a vaccine, especially a safe and effective vaccine.  This latest 'Ebola vaccine was developed in a matter of 8 weeks.  Oddly, since Ebola has been in Western Africa since the early 1970s there wasn't one available before 'Ebola' was introduced to our shores...again I say...convenient.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the world it is my view that the CDC is morally vacant, intellectually vacuous and criminally intent on making money for its senior members and its corporate client the Pharmaceutical industry.  If you are honest with yourselves, there is a voice deep inside your most human know these words I speak to be true.

Let us each wake up and clear the world of such nonsense.

Yours in Health and Wellness

Dr. Richard Bend 


Monday, November 10, 2014

Peace on Earth Good Will Toward Men

Going through a pile of old magazines that my grandparents published in the 1950’s and 1960’s I came across an article in December of 1954, written by my grandpa.  I am going to share it with you.  Hopefully it will resonate with you the same way it did with me because the message is very much in tune with our contemporary times, so much so that it begs the question…what have we learned and are we ever going to learn?  Forgive me, but I have to retype it to share it.
                                           Chiropractic Home
                            “A Holiday Message from the Publisher”
                                              December 1954
                              Peace on Earth, Good Will toward Men

“It has always seemed to me that this phrase has been in reverse.  As I see it, there can be no peace on earth until there is good will to men.  If we have nothing but good will toward our fellow man, we cannot war. 
 Unfortunately, I think many of us are waiting for our national leaders to promote this good will when actually our leaders are nothing but a reflection of the mass population of our country.  Peace on earth must begin at home and from there it will spread to the neighbor relationship between families and to the community until it has enveloped the entire Nation. 
 When we have, through good will, produced peace in our own families and communities, we will then be better united to choose our politicians wisely. We will not be content to sit back and see the wrong type of politicians put into office just because we are not interested.  We will not be willing to see laws passed that force our neighbor’s children to be vaccinated just because we have no children of our own. Or even if you want your child vaccinated, you will want your neighbor to have the right to decide for himself what type of disease prevention he wants for his child. 
 Those of you who have sons who came home from the war sound in mind and body or who had some type of injury that was completely relieved by medicine or surgery will not sit idly by and allow your neighbors son to lie in a hospital for months on end, sick in mind and body.  If he wants a Chiropractor, it is your DUTY, as a citizen, to see that he gets Chiropractic care, regardless of what your sentiments may be. 
 We speak of the greatest enemy of our country. Can there be any greater enemy than that of listlessness on the part of a country’s citizens while he lets his freedom of choice slip away just because these freedoms do not happen to be of service to him at that moment?
 Let’s Wake up America! Promote good will toward men by seeing that none of his liberties are infringed upon and you will be taking the first step toward “peace on earth”.
Samual Chandler Bend D.C.
When I read this article it dawned on me that today’s struggle to maintain our individual freedoms are very much the same as they were in 1954.  One would not have thought that given the historical ‘memory’ of the time.  Many envision 1954 in the form of Ozzy and Harriet reruns and Leave it to Beaver.  It might be wise to remember that 1954 may have been a different time but social challenges then and now…remain very much the same.  Peace on Earth had a very different meaning to those living in 1954.  WWII had been over for 9 years and the Korean War had been over for less than a year when this article was written.  Many of the people living at the time had the same doubts and fears as we do now…only the media of the time kept it from seeming so immediately threatening.  
The message is the same, if we want Peace on Earth we must each show good will toward our fellow man…first. 
Dr. Richard Bend D.C.