Your health and well being is vital especially in a tension filled environment like we have today in this stalled economy. Many people have told me "I cannot afford to keep coming. The money is just too tight." Believe me I understand that, I truly do. However, I will point out the fact that regular chiropractic visits will keep you moving and your immune system up to scratch, most especially during times of stress when you need it most.
What happens to your income if you have to stay home? Unless you are a federal employee with mandated paid sick days chances are you cannot afford to remain home on your back with the sniffles or worse a few days in the local hospital. The expense of just one hours stay in the ER can take an already 'tight' economic situation and render it untenable much less a few days or heaven forbid a few weeks in ICU. The most common cause of bankruptcy in this nation is health care. We simply cannot afford to get sick.
Regular chiropractic visits are your best and least expensive option for 'wellness' care. It is vital that you maintain your nervous system function in order to prevent protracted illness.