Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Pharm is in deep doo doo.

I recently read an article in my local news paper stating that the Pharmaceutical industry would be removing its incentive programs from medical doctors. I just about fell over when I read it. What this means is that Mds will no longer get an extra paycheck in the mail from meeting a specific quota for their prescription writing talents.

 I am curious to see how many remain in practice once they can no longer get extra money for writing a script.  You see many doctors today cannot rely on insurance reimbursement alone to survive.  The climate in the insurance industry is not conducive to a doctors economic survival and hasn't been for a while forcing the doctors to create alternative sources of income. The most lucrative source seems to be 'script' quotas. 

This change is likely a side effect of the ongoing investigations in which pharmaceutical companies have been investigated for fraud, bribery and contaminating vaccines in order to 'create' a  false pandemic.  Some very serious crimes to say the least but which seem to be the 'norm' within the Pharmaceutical industries moral code of conduct. 

Ok, so why aren't we hearing more?  Likely because the USA is the last bastion for Big Pharm to behave as it wishes with impunity.   Big Pharm policy changes are likely due to the European investigation spilling over into US jurisdiction.  Only two years ago the Department of Justice leveled a 3 billion dollar fine against three major pharmaceutical firms for bribing public officials. My own cynical view would suggest that these 'public' officials have names that begin with Senator and Congressman. 

The fact that this article was seen in a news paper suggests that the Pharm no longer supports our nations news papers as they are a dying medium. You aren't likely to hear of this development on the evening news because that medium is still very much in the pocket of the Pharm.  Where the public puts its attention is where the pharm will put its money.  On the other hand it is only a matter of time before the pharm loses its ability to advertise, along with that law will be a limit on what they can donate to any electoral campaign and how much money they are allowed to ship off shore without declaring it. 

This early pull back is a good signal that the Pharm is beginning to lose its grip here in the United States.  My only gripe is not knowing just how long it will take for them to be totally and utterly contained.

 Let us all hope we won't have to wait long.